I thrust my arms into the air. “Finally!”
I couldn’t be happier if it were me. Pam’s one of the good ones. She’s just in a shitty situation because of her parents.
For the rest of lunch, we listen to her gush about how he asked her out and where he plans on taking her.
Cin kicks a bag full of garbage from the walkway. “Do you think we’ll always be in places like this?” She gestures at our rundown apartment building.
The brick building houses ten apartments, and half of the sidewalk that leads to the front is missing or chipped away. The cement steps up to the door are crooked, and black smudges cover the walls in the hallway from people moving in and out. In our apartment, the ceilings have large cracks running across them.
“I don’t know, but I hope not.” I pat Cin on the back as I hold open the door. “This is why we need to finish high school. Something’s going to change for us, I can feel it.”
As we head up the steps to the apartment, we spot Mr. Hackney, the building manager, waiting for us.
Cin swears under her breath.
“Girls, I just came from your place. I need to talk to your mom. Is she around?” He gives us a slimy smile, and it makes me gag.
His teeth are either missing or rotting, and he has the worst breath ever. It always stinks like cheap whiskey. Alcohol seeps from his pours, which he tries to hide by dousing himself in cheap cologne.
“She’s at work,” I say, smiling while biting my cheek. “She been taking double shifts. Is there something we can help you with, Mr. Hackney?”
His wrinkly hand runs across his mouth. “I don’t want to worry you, but you’re behind on rent, again.”
Like he gives a shit about worrying us, the slimeball. All he wants is his money.
“She told us, if we saw you, that she wanted us assure you she’d have rent and late fee on the twenty-first,” Cin says.
“She always makes it right, but I can’t let it go past that. She’s already two months late. I have to live, too, you know. If I don’t get it by then, I’ll have to start the eviction.”
Cin pushes me past him toward our door. “We understand, Mr. Hackney. She’ll get it to you.”
I put our key in the lock but freeze at his next words.
“Have her call me if she has a problem coming up with the money.” He licks his bottom lip. “Maybe we can work something out.”
Ew, gross. I think I just threw up in my mouth.
Cin kicks my foot to hurry me up, and I get the door open.
“Will do,” Cin promises as she pushes me through the door and slams it behind her.
She shivers. “He is so gross.”
I pace the living room, rubbing the back of my neck. “I have to win this race, or we’re getting kicked out.”
Just what I need. More pressure. It’s bad enough I have finals and my test to be a 2nd Kyu Brown belt in karate.
When Uncle Brett found out his daughter and niece wanted to work in a man’s field, he insisted we learn karate. I loved it from the start, soaking in all that I could. It was like, deep down, I knew I would need it later on in life. When Mom took me away, we moved around too much for me to find a dojo, so I stopped.
I still practiced my moves daily, but it wasn’t the same. It was only recently that I was able to get back to it.
Now, I have the added pressure of having to win this race, or we’re back out on the streets.
“Don’t worry about it,” Cin says as she flops onto the couch. “It’s not like this is the first time we had to win. I know you can do it. And, you know we have other options. Worst case, we can go find Janet, our supposed mother, and get her to have sex with him.” She cackles.
“Ew.” I laugh and take the seat beside her. “We’d have to pay her extra. He’s gross.”