He pushes a lock of my hair off my face. “I asked if you’re hurt.”
I shake my head, unable to speak. I want to lie here and stare at the most perfect blue eyes I’ve ever seen. I can only imagine what they would look like in the sun.
“I didn’t think we’d be in this position quite so quickly,” he says with a cocky smile.
I can’t help but giggle, and it mortifies me. I giggled. I can’t believe I giggled like a damn school girl.
“Shelby, are you all right? Cam, dude, get off of her.” Nick tugs at Cam’s shoulder. “She’s not even fully healed yet, you idiot.”
I don’t want him off me; I like where he’s at right now. His weight makes me feel safe.
More people make their way over, but Cam’s eyes on me hold me in place, like I’m in some kind of trance. It’s the only excuse I can come up with.
“No, we’re quite comfortable. Aren’t we, Princess? Thanks for being so concerned. Now leave.” He waves Nick off, then goes back to smiling at me.
Turning red, I cover my face with my hand.
“Cam, dude, Luke threw it too long, and I couldn’t catch it. But, by the look of it, you’re doing okay,” a cocky voice says.
That breaks me out of my daze, and I realize he’s crushing me. The dizzy feeling is from lack of air.
“Okay, enough, you’ve had your fun.” I poke his side, my ribs protesting the weight on them. “Can you let me up now?”
He taps his chin. “Hm, let me think about it.”
“Cam, stop flirting and let her up,” a gruff voice commands. “Can’t you tell you’re hurting her?”
“I’ll let you up if you go out with me tomorrow,” Cam announces.
I smirk. “Sorry, got lunch with Patty.”
“Damn, another time then.” He starts to get up, then pauses. “Wait, whose Patty? Is she cute?”
“That’s her mom,” Nick says.
Cam pops an eyebrow but doesn’t ask why I call my mom Patty.
A massive hand comes down to help me up. When I’m upright, a dizzy spell hits me, and I tip forward. I put my hand out to stop myself from falling again, and it hits a hard chest.
I glance up and find another gorgeous guy, his short hair black as night, and his eyes the same dark color.
I straighten. “Sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he grumbles.
“He doesn’t mind it one bit, do you, brother?” Another black-haired guy pats the other one on the back. “I’m Maverick, but you can call me Mav. All my friends do. This big, quiet guy is my brother, Dominick. You can call him ugly or Dom.”
Dominick grunts and smacks his brother in the back of the head.
Mav and Dom do look like twins, though Mav wears his hair a tad longer. Dom has more muscle mass than his brother.
“Sorry about not being able to catch the ball and making Cam fall on you,” Mav says. “Normally, I can catch anything Luke throws. You sure you’re all right? It looks like you’ve had enough injuries for a while.”
“I’m good.” My cheeks grow hotter. “A little embarrassed, but okay.”
Mav laughs. “That’s normal around Cam. Can I get you a drink?”
"Nick got me one before a football attacked me.” I look around for Nick.