“I haven’t heard your voice in a long time,” I say, “and I’m really happy to hear it now.”

“Daddy told you about Mom, right?” she asks.

“Yes. He told me yesterday. He asked me if I could be available if you ever need someone to talk to and I told him of course I would.”

“Can I come over? Not now. It’s a school day. After school, though.”

“You would have to take a lot of busses to get to me,” I say, “so what if I meet you at your house after school?”

“Um… will you…”

“Go ahead Kendra. What’s up?”

“Can you just move back in? I miss you and… Please!”

“Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“Yes!” She groans. “I was supposed to talk to you about all this when we meet but I just want you to move in. I want you to move in and I want to be able to talk to you any day and not just today.”

“Okay,” I say.


“Okay, I’ll move in.”

“You will? Really?”


She squeals and then asks solemnly, “Wait… you’re going to bring your baby, right?”

I fight back laughter and say, “Absolutely. Your father says he’ll make a nursery for her. Will you help me design it?”

“Yes, and… Never mind. We’ll talk about it later.”

“Okay. I’ll see you tonight but I’ll probably move in on Saturday, okay?”

“Deal!” She hangs up and I feel really good.

And then the phone rings again. I answer and it’s Kendra. She says, “Daddy just left for work. I couldn’t say this before. I know you were his girlfriend when mom was gone. I could tell. And then Mom came back and I know you left because you thought it would be better for me. Anyway, better for me is you and Dad together so… um… if you still like him I don’t want you to think you have to hide it.”

I hear some background noise and then she says, “Oh, hi, Daddy! It’s Haily. What do you want to do for dinner tonight? How does pizza sound?” I’m impressed with her. She made it seem like I called and manages to get pizza promised at the same time. Into the phone, she says, “Daddy says that pizza’s perfect.”

And that night, we have pizza. And we watch a movie. And I go home completely desperate for Brand and so horny because we didn’t actually do anything!

But he shows up in the morning at seven-thirty. The baby is actually with my mom for the day because I’m planning on nine or ten hours straight of thesis work.

Well, not anymore! I invite him in and we’re tearing at each other’s clothes before we get the door all the way closed. I just can’t begin to describe how desperately I need him. It’s strange to realize that we had so much sex for the few weeks we were together than I’ve slept with him more than with the boyfriend I had in college.

And I’ve had nothing for two years.

And there’s still something new for me to enjoy. I discover that when we reach my room. We’re nude by then, and he lifts me onto the bed. I am so desperate for him and I reach for his cock to guide him into me right away but instead, he does something he didn’t do before. He puts his mouth on me. This is my first time experiencing someone going down on me.

It’s impossibly good.

I mean… there’s no way for my body to feel this good! I’m twenty-three years old now. Hell, I’m only a month or so away from being twenty-four. There’s no way in hell I’m just now learning that my body has the capacity for pleasure like this. It’s just not possible. I can’t really wrap my head around things and I can’t really focus.

Well, that’s not true.