It’s a month later when I realize I’m pregnant with Brand’s daughter.
Chapter Two
Two Years Later
Emily is particularly fun today. She’s filled with laughter and excitement. She keeps repeating three of the nine words she knows. “Mama! Baba! Dog!” Baba is her word for bottle. She uses it for her juice cup now that she doesn’t have a bottle anymore. The dog is a golden retriever. I bought him when I left Brand. I needed the companionship and a puppy was just the ticket. His name is Emperor.
And I’m Mama. There’s nothing quite as cool as that, I can tell you.
But she’s active enough that she tires herself out and I put her down for a nap. A knock sounds at my door, and that surprises me. I’m not expecting anyone. I look through the peephole. It’s the mailman with a package. I forgot. Books for my master’s thesis research. I have many of them coming in. I open the door with a smile and sign for the package. It’s two short books of wildlife photography. I’m studying zoology and my thesis is about the presentation of wildlife to consumers and how it impacts zoological resources. There are still a number of other books, and I’m kind of surprised only two of them showed up.
There’s another knock at the door, and I almost laugh as I open it. “I had a feeling you had more to deliver for…” My words disappear. The mailman isn’t at my doorstep. Instead, in front of me is the man who’s filled my thoughts since I was in Junior High. I breathe out, “Brand…”
“I have no right to be here,” he says softly, “but Kendra saves all the birthday and Christmas cards so I had your address and I know you took some time off of school and you still have a year so…”
“Brand,” I whisper again.
“Chrissy cheated on me again. Not the neighbor this time. Her boss. Evidently, she’s been with her boss for years. Anyway, she’s gone. I… I have no right to ask but… I need a Nanny.”
“She’s twelve now, Brand,” I say, “and Kendra doesn’t need a Nanny.”
“No,” he says with a sigh, “you’re right but… Kendra needs someone who can help her get over what her mother has done, and I don’t have the strength to be what she needs right now. That’s why…”
He takes a deep breath and says, “Damn it, I need you. I’ve been without you for two years because I had to do the right thing for my daughter and the right thing would have been to refuse that cheating…” I can see his body strained by the effort of his restraint. “…woman when she wanted to come back to me. Listen, Hailey, I have no right to…”
His words disappear because I just attack him, kissing him eagerly and desperately. I suppose I really ought to think this through but I can’t. I pull him into the apartment and once again, I find myself on the couch with him. The first time, we were naked by the time we got to the couch. This time, we’re still dressed but I know that will end soon.
And then something occurs to me.
And I do half of the right thing.
I push him back and I say, “I need to show you something, someone.”
He’s breathing hard but to his credit, he says, “Okay.”
I stand up and he does as well. I take his hand and lead him to the bedroom. Before I open the door, I put my finger to my lips. I lead him in and soon we stand over the crib. I lean down and give Kendra a kiss. She coos a little in her sleep. I take hold of Brand’s hand again and lead him out. “She’s my daughter,” I say, “and if we do this, you need to know she exists. If I move in to help you with Kendra, Emily comes with me.” I look at him and stroke his cheek. “She comes with me,” I say.
“I want you,” he says, “and I could fall in love with that little girl in there. I’ll change one of the guest rooms into a nursery if you like and put a door in the wall between…” He chuckles and says, “Who cares? The point is that I’ll make the house her home, too.” My heart is pounding like crazy. I feel good for not sleeping with him before he knew about my daughter.
And here’s the part about me doing only half the right thing. He says, “What about the father? Is he going to show up at the house? Do you need any legal help?”
I say, “The father’s not in the picture.”
Those are six words that should have been, “Not yet. You’re Emily’s father, Brand.”
But the only thing I say is that the father’s not in the picture and so we’re right back to him saying, “She’s welcome, too, then.”
And I get right back to kissing him. Do I feel guilty? Of course, I feel guilty! But I don’t feel guilty enough to do the right thing and end the kiss. I do, however, have the strength to stop things there. “Let’s make sure Kendra’s okay before we take things any further, Brand.”
He kisses me again but just briefly. “You’re right,” he says. “I’ll talk with her tonight, okay?”
“But have her call me to talk to me. I’ll know if she’s being honest or not.”
He smiles. “Yes, you will.” He kisses me again almost savagely but then ends the kiss and makes his way out of the apartment, leaving me in a rollercoaster of elation and guilt.
Chapter Three
I feel guilty again in the morning but, I guess, not as guilty as I should. I get a call at seven. It’s Kendra. She says, “Hailey, is it you?”