"Yeah, but what if I'm just scared of losing him again? What if I'm seeing things that aren't there?" The words tumbled out, laced with doubt and fear.

Sarah reached across the table, placing her hand over mine. "Listen, Kayla, you're one of the sharpest people I know. If you think there's something off with this Mandy, then there's probably a reason for it. But you need to separate your personal feelings from the professional ones. Hard, I know."

I nodded, taking a small bite of my salad. "I know you're right. It's just... hard to know where the line is sometimes."

She squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Just be careful, okay? And remember, you and Jake have something solid now. Don't let insecurities from the past ruin what you have."

I smiled, grateful for her support. "Thanks, Sarah. I needed to hear that."

After lunch, we took a walk through town. I was torn between the comfort of confiding in my friend and the professional boundaries I was trained to uphold.

"Kayla, what did you mean about Mandy being possessive?" Sarah's question broke through my thoughts.

I hesitated, glancing at the passersby, ensuring our conversation remained private. "I shouldn't say," I started, but Sarah's encouraging look nudged me further. "It's just that... there's something off about her involvement in all this."

Sarah's expression was curiosity and concern. "Involvement? With what exactly?"

I sighed, weighing my words. "Jake's sister, Lexi, she's being stalked. Mandy, she's Lexi's friend from college, visiting from out of town. She's been staying with Jake since Lexi and her husband had to leave their house for safety reasons."

"And Mandy and Jake?" Sarah prodded gently.

I looked down, kicking at a loose pebble on the sidewalk. "She's been... a good friend to Jake. Taking care of him, you know? After long days at work, during this whole mess."

Sarah raised an eyebrow. "You don't sound entirely convinced."

I chuckled despite the seriousness of the conversation. "You know me too well. It's just... it's obvious Mandy has a thing for Jake. I'm trying not to be jealous, but there are inconsistencies in her stories about Lexi's past and the stalker."

"That sounds tough," Sarah empathized.

I nodded. "Yeah, and I've been keeping tabs on her through social media. I haven't used official resources because I don't want to seem petty."

Sarah stopped, turning to face me. "Kayla, if this is about safety, not jealousy, maybe you need to use all your resources. There's only one way to make sure this Mandy isn't involved or in danger herself."

I exhaled deeply, knowing she was right. "You're right, Sarah. I just... I need to be sure I'm doing this for the right reasons."

Sarah smiled warmly, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "You're one of the most honest people I know, Kayla. Trust your instincts."

As we resumed our walk, my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts—the complexities of the case, my relationship with Jake, and now Mandy's potential involvement. I knew what I had to do, but the path forward was fraught with professional and personal risks. For Lexi, Jake, and justice's sake, I had to tread carefully but decisively.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Waking up to Kayla shaking me awake, I found myself momentarily disoriented, the dimming light of the sunset filtering through the windows.

"Hey, how was lunch?" she asked, her tone light but curious.

I rubbed my eyes, sitting up on the couch. Part of me wanted to tell her about Mandy appearing unexpectedly at the diner, but another part hesitated. Kayla already had enough reasons to feel uneasy about Mandy, and I didn't want to add fuel to the fire, especially if there was an innocent explanation for Mandy's behavior. Instead, I opted for a simple response.

"It went well," I said, offering a half-smile.

Kayla sat down beside me, her eyes searching mine. "How was your lunch?"

I stretched, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. "It was great. We haven't seen each other in months. Just caught up on things."

She nodded, seemingly satisfied with my answer. "Sounds nice. I met up with a friend too, Sarah. We had lunch at a cafe near her place."

"Sarah?" I echoed, trying to place the name.