Page 83 of Breaking Yesterday

“The truth?”

He nods.

“I had to wear black to both my parents’ and my older brother’s funerals,” I feel a bead of sweat form on my brow. “Every time I see a black dress, I remember seeing it hanging in my closet, waiting for me to put it on and accept reality.”

I glance past him over the edge of the building. In the far distance, I see the city skyline lights of Dallas. “That’s probably deeper than you wanted,” I mutter. For some reason, I want him to see all my fractures. I don’t want to lie more than we have to. If he doesn’t like what he sees, then so be it.

So far, he hasn’t run. So far…

“It’s never deep enough when it comes to you, Pumpkin,” he says.

I try to lighten the mood. “That could be taken very sexually,” I smirk.“You’re on a roll tonight.”

“That’s me being honest. Sure, we don’t know all our favorite likes and dislikes, but I know what I do feel. That’s why I’m sitting here, trying to make you fall for me.”

“Well, you don’t have to try hard,” I deadpan as our eyes connect.

“You don’t see it, do you?” He leans closer, reaches across the table, and takes my hand. “You don’t see how stunningly attractive you are, Poppy. You don’t see that when you peel back your beauty, an even more beautiful soul lurks and hides.”

Time slows. I try to swallow, but my throat constricts.

“I don’t know who hurt you, but I know someone did. I see it when you withdraw, when you look scared, when people yell, and when I look at you right in those gorgeous eyes, and you glance away. I’m going to make it my job, no matter if this thing between us grows or dies out to just a friendship, to make you see just how special you are.”

My eyes drop to our hands. I want to run and hide. I want to run right into Julian's arms.

“You shouldn’t—”

He interrupts me, “Don’t tell me I shouldn’t say things like that. The problem is you haven’t heard them enough. This is normal. Me doing everything I can to make the girl next door fall for meis normal. Yeah, I’m a soldier and an ass most of the time, but the other time, this is me. I’m a relationship guy. I don’t fuck around. I don’t have the time or patience to waste if I’m not interested. I just want honesty, and that’s what you’ve been with me, so please don’t stop because you're worried I’m going to judge you. Don’t run from me, Poppy.”

“I don’t want to run… but sometimes it’s my first instinct.” I brush my thumb over his knuckles; they are hard and bear a few scars.

“That’s okay. I’m good at chasing, too. If you want me to chase you, that is.”

I look up into his stormy eyes and nod. “I’d like that.”

Chapter 33


I’ve never ever done anything like this.

Not for anyone.

I've never gone out of my way to make a date anything more than a typical date. The special part of a date was getting to see me.

That all changed with Poppy.

When I pushed her to keep seeing me but keep it a secret, I saw the hesitance in her eyes swirling with displeasure. She only said yes because of our tangible chemistry—that and lust.

Lust fades and dies.

That’s why I am going out of my way to make her fall head over heels for me.

It’s a huge mistake. She should run from me, especially after the secret Theo told me. I should be the ‘good guy’ and only allow us to be friends. I’ve always been the good guy.

Fuck it.

I want to be bad with her…for her.