Page 39 of Breaking Yesterday

Julian spreads his legs out wider, shifting my eyes to how strong and thick his thighs are. "I'd tell her to drink as much as she wanted because she's in safe company. I'm not going to let another man touch her." With a slow blink, his eyes find mine.

It feels like he's digging into my soul, trying to find something I didn't even know was lurking within me. I press my back into the seat, seeking refuge from the heat of his gaze.

"You're a sneaky one," Harper interrupts, breaking the feverish moment. I'm thankful for it. No one, and I mean no one, has ever looked at me the way Julian has. It's not just that he's attracted to me; it's something more I can't make tangible.

"Another man doesn't include you, does it?" Harper laughs, "Clever wording, but I'm wise to the game. Do you want to touch her, Julian? Because if you do, I will need you to pass my background check. Let me tell you something, buddy; I'm stricter than a recruiter for the CIA when it comes to my best friend.”

I shift forward, “Harper, stop, turn around, and flirt with Kent,” I huff.

I look at Julian, “Don’t answer her. You should know that when I said I wasn’t crazy, I was not referring to Harper. I don’t know what it is about Texas, but it’s made her absolutely feral. You have no idea what she did to me this morning with our Uber driver. It’s a testament to my strong will that I still stand by her side. I almost died of mortification.”

“Feral!” Harper fakes gasps, but she can't hide her devilish grin.

“I do love a wild side. Don’t worry, it’s not a turn-off.” Kent playfully remarks.

“You have no turn-offs,” Julian chides.

Harper holds up her index finger, aiming it like a weapon. “I saved our lives this morning. Seriously, I did. I turned that man off to the entire female population. I should get a Nobel Prize.”

“Well, this I gotta hear.” Kent grins.

“Oh, trust me, Kent, it’s the last thing you want to hear because if Harper knows she can press your buttons by embarrassing you, then be prepared to have every button pushed.” I snort with laughter.

Chapter 13


I’ll admit I haven’t laughed so hard in a very long time. Harper is crazy, reckless even. What she did in the Uber was next-level funny and stupid. I’m just happy it turned out the way it did, which is becoming a memorable story.

I just don’t like the idea that there could have been another outcome involving my new neighbor.

Hell…the girl across my hall is stunning. I just can’t seem to take my eyes off of her. It’s like there’s an invisible rope attached to me, and she keeps tugging it.

Harper and Poppy walk slightly in front of us as we walk through the crowded street to the bar. My eyes are glued to Poppy’s ass which is swaying with each step.

A bead of sweat rolls down my face, which I quickly swipe away. The night air, despite its darkness, retains a sinfully hot embrace. It reminds me of when I was still on Delta Force and a mission in the South American rainforest.

Heck, I hated that one. I'd take on a grown man armed to the teeth any day, but snakes I fucking hate.

Speaking of taking on guys in hand-to-hand combat, every man Harper and Poppy pass can't help but pivot their eyes toward them. Harper, ever aware of the attention, carries herself with an air of knowing. Poppy, on the other hand, seems either oblivious or exceptionally skilled at ignoring the stares.

“Does your jaw hurt?” Kent asks, breaking into my thoughts.

Distracted, I tear my gaze from Poppy’s figure. “What?” I respond a bit too sharply.

Kent points to my face, a teasing glint in his eyes. “Your jaw. Does it hurt? It’s been hanging open this entire time. I think you left a trail of drool.” He playfully shoves my shoulder. “Jesus, man, you’ve got to up your game. You're older than me, for Christ's sake. Play it cool. You look like a dog desperate to run up to Poppy’s leg and start humping it. I know the Army can lead to dry spells, but you look downright rabid.”

“Fuck you,” I snap, the irritation bubbling inside me as I shove him back, his words hitting too close to home.

Kent elbows me, a mischievous smirk on his face. “You lucky bastard, she’s your neighbor too. That’s like having a built-in booty call.”

“No one is having sex,” I hiss, the words escaping through gritted teeth like steam through a tightly sealed valve. There's a visceral reaction within me at the thought of my brother casually lumping Poppy into the same category as those he usually hooks up with. It's unsettling, like a jagged stone in my shoe, persistent and irritating.

I don’t want her discussed like that.

“I am,” Kent nudges his chin, “Look how fine Harper’s ass is, and she’s funny too.”

I roll my eyes, a gesture betraying my inner conflict. Why am I even here? I had made it explicitly clear to Kent: no more clubs, bars, or blind dates. Yet, everything shifted the moment I laid eyes on my new neighbor. My first thought was a simple, stunned realization: 'Holy shit, she's beautiful.' Not in an untouchable runway model way, but in a more tangible, girl-next-door manner. She's effortlessly stunning, the kind of person you could see yourself hanging out with and then gradually falling for without even realizing it. She's exactly the type of girl I should avoid, considering my firm decision to steer clear of dating for now.