Page 74 of Breaking Yesterday

Julian: I'm planning our dates.

A crazy squeal slips from my lips. I should drop to my knees and thank the lord I made that sound in the privacy of my closet.

Poppy: Ambitious with the planning. Pretty confident, I see.

Julian: You know it. *Wink emoji*.

Poppy: But why Wednesday?

Midweek dates? That’s new to me. It was always Fridays or Saturdays in the past. Even when I dated Andrew, we were busy with school and mostly saw each other on the weekends.

Julian: I can’t wait a whole week to kiss you again.

I freeze at my front door, a total goner.

My cheeks are basically blushing permanently now. On the bright side, I'll save money because I don’t need to buy blush anymore.

How the heck do I respond to that? I want to play it cool, not come off as some lovestruck fool.

I’m half-tempted to text him to ditch Wednesday and just come over now.

The entire walk to the bus stop, I’m crafting a response.

Poppy:You really shouldn’t say things like that. You're setting the bar way too high for other guys.

Julian: That’s the plan. I’m the only one who's going to meet all your expectations.

Clutching my phone to my chest, I gaze out the bus window, watching Dallas merge into a blur. A wave of warmth floods my chest, mingling hope and excitement—feelings I haven't known in over a decade. It’s tempting to run from these emotions; hope is terrifying yet exhilarating. It’s like skydiving, praying your parachute opens.

I glance down at my phone, thinking about my past. It’s like an unmoving cloud in the sky.

“You shouldn’t do it,” I whisper, ignoring my advice. I open Google and type in Andrew’s name. It’s a monthly ritual, not out of longing, but bluntly, sometimes hoping for news of his demise.

It's harsh but true. I know what I saw and overheard. Men like Andrew must have a long list of enemies. I pray one of them is bold enough to challenge him and his father.

I keep tabs on him; knowing where your monster lurks is better than being blindsided.

No new updates, just the same old engagement news. That poor girl. I send her a silent prayer, hoping she knows what she’s getting into.

I shut down the search and re-read Julian’s texts.

I screwed up big time in the past, but with Julian, it’s a different kind of secret I’m holding onto. Something in my gut tells me Julian’s different. I just really hope his kind of difference doesn’t leave me heartbroken.

Chapter 30


"Good morning, Levi. How are you doing?" I step off the elevator, surprised to see Levi, our receptionist, already at his desk.

I'm scheduled to start work at 8:30, yet here I am, twenty minutes early. I plan to organize a few things before meeting Julian for his PT appointment. There's also a meeting with one of the manufacturers who wants to renegotiate our license deal. The details are on a post-it note left by Debbie. That's precisely why I've arrived early: to clarify today's agenda and digitize Julian's schedule. It’s utter madness that Debbie has kept us in the dark ages with post-it notes.

“I’m doing good; how are you?” Levi replies.

I feel as excited as an elf who has just been told it’s time to start making Christmas toys.

“I’m great, thanks. Just wanted to drop off my bag before I have to meet Jul...” I clear my throat, “I mean Mr. Sterling, for our first meeting.”

“Oh,” Levi grins and reaches for a coffee cup. “The boss already came by. He dropped off coffee and breakfast for us. I put yours on your desk. I hope you don’t mind.”