“I know the place,” he says with a soft laugh. “It’s in my fucking territory. The owner pays my people tribute.”
“Perfect,” I say, sitting up straight. His eyes move to my chest and I like the hungry way he licks his lips. But he needs to focus. “Then we’ll have a great excuse to show up there while she’s slightly inebriated and hopefully in a good mood.”
He looks amused as he tilts his head to the side. “O’Malley plays straight, remember? What’s the point in ambushing her?”
“She’s a person like everyone else. All we need to do is find a little leverage.” I pat his cheek and he playfully bats my hand away. “Don’t worry, sweetie, I’ll take care of it.”
“Listen to you,” he growls and grabs me, pulling me into his lap. I laugh, pretending to struggle. “You’re taking care of me now?”
“Exactly, just let me do all the work. You’re all about the brute force, and that works in some situations, but this needs a gentler touch.”
His eyebrows raise. “Like with Omar?”
“Omar was a special case. He hates your stinking guts. And I still don’t know why, by the way.”
Brody smirks and leans forward, brushing his lips against my throat. The stubble on his face tickles and I stifle a moan as my hips grind against him, and yep, that’s his hard dick between my legs. I swear, this man is constantly erect. It’s kind of flattering. Although a little inconvenient.
“Tell you what. You get O’Malley on our side and I’ll tell you the full story. How about that?”
“I feel like you already owe me,” I say, releasing a little whimper as I grind into him. His hands move around to grip my ass.
“Best offer you’re going to get, baby.”
“Fine. Deal.” I bite my lip and let out a soft breath, and I’m about to lean forward and bury his mouth with mine, but there’s a knock at the door.
I freeze. For some reason, I feel like I’m doing something wrong. But he’s my husband, and so what if I’m sitting in his lap and we’re kissing? I’m supposed to want to be with him, right? I’m supposed to want his mouth on mine and his hands all over my body.
“I think that’s our food,” I say, trying to find the willpower to get up.
He doesn’t release my ass, and if anything, he tightens his grip.
“The food can wait.”
“You’re so damn eager, aren’t you?” I smile and can’t help myself. It’s so fucking hot how badly he wants me.
“I can’t help myself.” The way he says it makes him sound like he’s got a disease or something.
I pull myself away. My heart’s racing, and all I want to do is get back on him and ride his dick until I scream with orgasm. But there’s another knock, and I need to tip the delivery guy, and I’m not about to let myself get distracted.
Besides, maybe wanting me will make him think twice the next time my brothers try to put him in a dangerous situation.
“You’re a tease,” he says, sitting back with a smile on his face, looking at me through his eyelashes.
“And you like it.” I walk away, stomach doing that flip-flopping thing, and I definitely like it too.
Chapter 24
It’s around ten at night, but it’s still early at the Hide and Hare. The place is a cop bar and off-duty officers are all over the place. Even though half the clientele are related to law enforcement, from lawyers to public defenders to detectives, the cops still stand out. It’s the way they hold themselves, so rigid and worried, like they’re nervous something bad’s going to happen.
That kind of worry can’t be good for a person. No wonder most cops are high-strung assholes. And the ones that aren’t don’t last long.
I’m a little nervous about bringing Elena here. Her family’s infamous in Chicago circles and I know more than a few DAs that would happily interrogate her on the spot just on the off chance she might say something incriminating. Except she’s wearing this sexy as fuck green dress that makes her tan skin practically glow. It’s slightly low cut, showing off a hint of her perfectly round tits, and the back’s cut out, and the woman’s got a gorgeous damn back, so lovely and smooth and toned. Her round ass shakes with each sway of the skirt, and I’m feeling alittle jealous when every male eye in the room looks her way, plus a few of the females too.
“Look at you, Brody Quinn,” says a sleazeball lawyer I know named Randy McDavid. “And you brought your new wife. Elena Bianco, I’m Randy, great to meet you.”
“If you ever need shady personal injury work, Randy’s your guy,” I tell her.