Page 58 of Brutal Power

Brody lets out a long, frustrated breath. My heart starts to patter and I shift uncomfortably in my chair. “I’m not sure that’s doable,” I say softly.

Captain Kennedy grins at me, the smug fuck. “I wouldn’t mind arresting you or your brothers, to tell you the truth, but it doesn’t have to be like that.”

“We can get you someone,” Brody says, and we both look at him. Captain Kennedy seems intrigued, and I’m mostly just surprised. We hadn’t discussed this. “And it’ll be someone good. But you need to make sure you live up to your end of the bargain.”

“The moment I have a perp is the moment Mags no longer has a neighbor problem.”

Brody grunts and nods sharply. “You got a deal. I’ll be in touch.”

“This was great. Really, I love dealing with you organized crime scumbags.” Captain Kennedy pushes his chair back. Brody says nothing, and we both know the asshole cop needs to get his shots in or else he might start looking too closely in the mirror. He walks off, sauntering a little bit.

“What the hell was that?” I ask, leaning in. “We’re not sacrificing any of our guys to that dick.”

“No, we’re not, but I’m starting to think we can deal with two problems at the same time if we play this right.” He’s staring after Captain Kennedy, his eyes distant. “To Carthage then I came Burning burning burning burning.”

“More Eliot?”

He pushes his chair back and stands. “Come on. We have some plans to make.”

I stand with him, but instead of following, I move around the table and push my hands against his chest. He looks surprised when I kiss him gently. It’s a chaste kiss, nothing inappropriate, but his eyes light up the moment I’m close to him.

“I believe I owe you something,” I whisper and reach down to tug at his belt.

His eyebrows raise. I turn and walk away, shaking my hips a bit, and head down a short hallway that leads to the bathrooms. I lead him into the men’s room, make sure it’s empty, and get down on my knees the second he’s inside, pushing him up against the door.

“Now this I didn’t expect,” he murmurs as I tug down his slacks. His cock’s already half hard and it springs out to meet my tongue.

I’m not making this slow and playful. I want to suck his cock and make him come, and I get right to work. He leans back against the door, keeping it shut, as I take him into my mouth and glide my tongue around his head, going deeper and deeper. He moans, those delicious noises, clearly not giving a fuck if anyone hears, and it only makes me want him more. That freaking confidence, that desire. The way he wants me is intoxicating.

I suck him faster, stroking with both hands, as he grips my hair. Suddenly, the door bumps as if someone’s trying to shove it open. “Closed for cleaning,” he barks at whoever’s on the other side. I pause, his dick in my mouth, staring at him with wide eyes.

“Doesn’t fucking sound like it,” someone says from the other side.

“Fuck off, it’s closed,” Brody growls and slowly pushes me down his shaft. I whimper and get back to work, sucking him twice as fast, my heart racing. If our friend out in the hall says anything else, I can’t hear over the sound of my spit on Brody’s cock, and it doesn’t take long before the taste of his cum floods my mouth.

I swallow every drop. He pulls me to my feet and kisses me. “Good fucking girl,” he praises as he buckles his belt back up.

The older man from the cafe’s waiting near the vending machine. He gives us a pervy grin, waggling his eyebrows, and Brody puts an arm over my shoulder to shield me from the weirdo. We walk out together, and as soon as we’re on the sidewalk, I burst into laughter, and he cracks up along with me.

Chapter 30


My mind’s on Elena at three in the morning outside of an old abandoned liquor store deep in the south side. It’s warm and muggy outside, and Seamus has been complaining all night about boredom.

I’m only half listening to my brother. I keep thinking about Elena on her knees in that bathroom and the way she took charge of me, sucking my cock like she lived for it, and how she didn’t stop when that old guy basically caught us. There’s mischief in that girl and I like it.

There’s also beauty, and poise, and intelligence, and fuck, I feel myself spiraling every day. This obsession keeps on growing, and every time I think I’m about to get over it and let go of this dumb little crush I have for my pretty new wife, my feelings deepen instead.

Until here I am, smitten, like an absolute fucking idiot.

“There’s movement,” Seamus says. He hunkers down slightly and nods toward the dimly lit building. There’s a tall fence around the squat beige structure. The stucco’s breaking off inspots and ancient advertisements for liquor brands that don’t exist anymore are peeling from what’s left of the windows. Two figures come out a side door and look like they’re arguing as they approach the perimeter fence.

Neither of us moves. The first guy is tall and dark-skinned with a head full of curly black hair. The other is smaller and slimmer with baggy jeans he keeps on hiking over his hips. The big guy holds back an opening in the fence and lets the smaller guy through before following, and the pair of them keeps up their argument as they walk on down the sidewalk together, gesturing in the air.

I nod at Seamus. He checks his pistol before getting out of the car. I follow him, touching my trusty revolver. We cut down a side alley onto the adjoining block and run together to the corner, going fast. I’m winded when we reach it and we stop together in the shadow of a pet food store, the metal grates down over the door and the windows, the awning rolled back.

Voices drift up as they come closer. “…told you it was gonna be a slow fucking night,” one man says.