I can't believe everything that happened and in this moment it almost feels like a very bad dream. The worst nightmare I've ever had.
I almost lost her.
I almost had to watch her get cut up, torn apart, harvested for money.
I shake my head, heavy and tired with regret for what I put her through.
It's over.
I have to focus on the positive and the positive is that she has a new liver now.
My stomach twists, disgusted, because I know that downstairs, beneath this house Matteo is probably still alive.
Fuck him.
Fuck any sympathy I feel for him.
He's a fucking monster.
I lean forward, resting my head on the edge of Elle's bed and closing my eyes to stop the tears from escaping them.
I'm so tired.
I'm so tired I don't even feel human anymore.
I feel hands beneath my body. I'm being lifted. For a moment I think I'm still strapped to a hospital bed in a dark and scary building.
But I can smell a familiar cologne. I can smell warmth and something that feels like home.
My eyes flutter open and the arch of Stefano's neck drifts into focus.
His snake tattoo curled just above his collar.
I sigh softly and close them again because it's too difficult to open them.
But something is nagging in my memory.
I feel myself being lowered onto a soft bed, warm and welcoming. I want this.
He is tugging my shoes off, gently, carefully.
Elle had the surgery.
My heart slams me awake when I remember everything that's happened.
"Elle," I say in panic.
"Lay down, Amelia. You have to sleep. I will call you as soon as Elle wakes up, I promise."
My eyes are so fucking heavy. My head is begging me to sleep. My body wants to give up because it's past the point of just being tired.
I try and fight it because, in my mind, all I want to do is go and sit with my daughter, but I can't. I need to rest.
I feel the pillow caress my head again and my eyes are shut.
Somewhere in a dream, I hear his voice, reassurance - gentle and calm.