Page 42 of When I Fall In Love

“Sure you do, Hannah-honey. You need to try three scoops of Nutcracker now.”

It’s a whole half an hour and some intense debate later that we’re finally done tasting and get up from the table. I hold on to the edge, feeling how tipsy I really am now that I’m on my legs.

Oh… bad idea… So many bad ideas. Hunter’s eyes are on me, and I feel his intense stare narrow as I grapple for my purse. I manage to push my seat back neatly under the table, but it’s when I let go that things get interesting.

Ethan has me by the elbow with a “Whoa!” and Raiden is right there too.

“Are you all right?” Raiden asks.

“Hmm, things are spinning. I might need to take an Uber home.”

Hunter chuckles. “Good luck with that.”

“No such thing as Uber in Ashleigh Lake, my dear,” May says. “But Hunter can drive you home and you can pick up your car tomorrow morning?”

Stooopid… sooo stoopid. No Ubers in Ashleigh Lake? Who would’ve thought.

“You’ll see her home safe, won’t you, Hunter?” Bill asks.

“Of course. No problem at all.”

I watch, swaying on my feet, as Hunter packs up his things and carries a small freezer out to his car. “I’m so sorry,” I say to the general populace. “I didn’t realize how much wine I had.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Georgiana says with a smile. “It’s nice to let your hair down and you’re amongst family here, so who cares?” She leads me to the front door and helps me with my shoes. “In any case, I don’t think you had so much wine.”

“Nope. Probably not. I’m a cheap date.” I glance back to where the kitchen and dining room are cleared and cleaned. That happened so fast and I didn’t even help. “That was delicious—thank you Aunt May, Uncle Bill.”

“We’ll see you soon, sweetheart.” May is pulling me into a tight hug. “At least you can sleep it off.”

And with that, Hunter is back at the front door and holding it open for me. I take the small step onto the porch, but when I reach the short flight of stairs leading to the ground I fumble for the railing and Hunter is there, steadying me with a firm grip on my arm.

“Here,” he says as he takes my hand. “You’re a bit cross-eyed.”

“Oh? Is that why there’re two of you?” We make it down the stairs and I lean into him, whispering conspiratorially. “Imagine two of you… I’d be able to take one of you home to San Francisco.”

“And would you like that?” he asks softly.

“Abssholutelyyy yesss.”

From somewhere behind us, a lone male chuckle breaks through the night’s quiet and I look over my shoulder. Raiden is standing at the porch railing, observing our trek across the lawn to where the cars are parked.

“So glad to see you doing the right thing there for a change, Hunny!” Raiden calls out.

“Only helping a lady to the car, Ray,” Hunter retorts.

“That’s what I said and look where it got me! I have your back, all the way!”

“Oh, fuck off,” Hunter mutters under his breath.

“What’s that?” I’m now leaning into his arm completely, maybe relishing the moment of being bodily connected with Hunter a bit too much. God, every part of him is so hard. I can’t get my grip around his bicep, it’s way too big and solid and he is still holding my other hand, so I can’t even let go and circle my arm around his waist.

“It’s nothing, Raiden’s just being an ass,” Hunter huffs. “Here.” He lets go of my hand and circles his arm around my waist and I follow suit, leaning my head against him.

I close my eyes, letting him lead me blind. “I’ll go anywhere,” I whisper. “With you.”

He says nothing and the silence stretches until he props me against his truck’s side door. “Stay right where you are,” he says as he opens the passenger door for me. “Now, in you go.” He steers me to the seat and guides my hand to the grab handle. With a giggle I try to heave myself up, but I’m jello all over now and let go to flop against his chest, which is right there.

Hunter steadies me against him and there’s a moment where I can inhale his scent, nose pressed into his sweater.