Page 35 of When I Fall In Love

“Milking. The cows. They need milking. Like twice a day?” With that Hunter squirts some liquid fire starter on the wood, sets it off with a flick of a match, and stomps off. “Let me know if it doesn’t take,” he tosses some last words our way.

Several beats of silence dance between us and I give May an innocent stare as I bite my lip.

“My oh my, something’s eating our Hunny-bear. What could that possibly be?” May muses, a twinkle in her eye.



I’ll tell you what’s eating me. Every fucking small thing is taking chunks out of me. Beth’s here as if she’s never left. Back in the heart of my family, where she belongs.

Fuck. I can’t get that feeling out of my gut. I try not to stare at her from across the fire pit where she’s settled with the rest of the troupe in a circle of Adirondack chairs. She’s sitting next to Sasha, and they seem to be having a serious, whispered conversation.

The last of the partygoers are still going strong: mostly Ethan’s friends from school, but Ethan isn’t half as drunk as I thought he’d be. That might be because Sasha sailed in around nine after her shift at Sharky’s, which finishes early on a Thursday. The two have been shooting surreptitious glances at each other all night long—so fucking obvious, and I hope I’m not making an equal if not a greater idiot of myself with Beth. I can’t keep my eyes off her.

Derek has long since left with Hannah, Bill and May only stayed a while, but Raiden and Georgiana are still here. Mycroft has finally calmed down and is curled up on Georgiana’s lap in a blanket, like a baby.

“Did you ever get to see Hunter’s house?” Georgiana asks Beth when there’s a lull in the conversation. “From an architectural and interior design perspective, the layout, everything—it’s just gorgeous.”

Beth’s gaze flicks to mine. “No, I haven’t. Only some of the first floor.”

“Hunter, you should show Beth around,” Georgiana says. “I love it so mu—”

“Not tonight,” I grunt. Probably never.

“At least the place is finished and furnished now,” Raiden says as he leans forward to stroke Mycroft’s head. “It took Hunter seven years of piecemeal building to get it done. Saving, building, saving, building. Would have driven me up the wall.”

“At least he had the cottage to stay in. Once a house is up and the plumbing and heating are working, you can take your time with the interior finishes.” Ethan gives Beth a warm glance before his gaze locks with mine. “Wasn’t as if there was a rush. Not many ladies around to impress.”

For fuck’s sake. I shoot up and chuck down the last of my piss-warm beer. “You should all be going home now. It’s late.” I offered my house as a party venue; I didn’t invite speculation around the fire pit with regards to my private life. Not in my face. And not in front of Beth of all people.

Raiden and Georgiana stand, and so do the rest of Ethan’s buddies, if a bit reluctantly. It’s a mild night for October, and we won’t be able to do this type of thing for much longer.

Beth and Sasha are the only guests still seated, probably because Beth’s thirty seconds’ walk from her own bed. As for Sasha, she looks drained. Beth clasps her hand and for a moment their eyes lock. “I’ll let you know how I can help,” Beth says. “I know I’m far, but it’s better than nothing.”

Sasha nods and swings her gaze over the rest of the group that’s dispersing as if to make sure no one else is listening. “Thank you. I appreciate your help.”

“I’ll come clean up in the morning, Hunter,” Ethan says as he heads over to where Sasha is perched on the edge of her seat. He holds out his hand to her, helps her up and immediately wraps his arm around her waist. “Thanks for everything. Everybody, grab what you can and toss it in the trash over there.”

For a couple of minutes it’s glasses clanging and chairs scraping as Ethan commands his regiment and all I want is my fucking peace and quiet back. Once everybody is herded out of my front door ten minutes later and thank you for fucking off at last, I glance back over the dirt and muck on my floors. Yep, Ethan better bring in the mop-squad first thing tomorrow.

There’re only embers left in the living room fireplace, but I need to put out the fire pit before I can go to bed. I have to show my face at the office tomorrow. Staff morale is at an all-time low and not showing up two days in a row would be an insult to my team who’s stood by me through thick and thin.

Beth is still there staring into the fire pit. Waiting. For me. The thought is a warm grip of razor wire around my heart. It hurts because it’s what I want, but my head snarks at me that it’s all a lie.

I walk out to her and she finally gets up. “Bill and May invited me over for dinner at their place tomorrow night.”

“Great.” This is the first time I’m hearing about dinner.

“I’ll see you there?”

“Probably.” Chances are the summons is still to come. I hope it is. No Brodie or Logan, hacking at life on their own, misses out on dinner at May’s table.

Beth takes a step closer. “I’ve been thinking… I’d really like to see your factory, you know, if possible? Not a tour as such. Just a look-see.”

“A look-see?” I grimace. “Sure. You can look-see from my office. I have a glass wall overlooking most of the operation.”

“Any time then?”