Isabelle sniffed and worked through her tears. “I never told you what Gran’s last words were.”

“But the lawyer back then made you dictate them. I know what she said. You don’t have to repeat it. She started going a bit off the rails somewhere when we turned five. At least that’s what I overheard Mom say once. Maybe she forgot you survived. I don’t know.”

“Maybe you’re right. Maybe she thought I was the hired help all that time.”

Isabelle cried for a good fifteen minutes as her long lost, but recently returned sister held her tight and rocked her like they used to when they were small.

“Thanks, Ari.”

“You deserved better, Isabelle.”

“Maybe. But I’m glad to finally know the reason I got cut out of her will.”

“I’m so sorry.”

Isabelle lifted her head, wiped her eyes, and grinned. “Don’t be. It’s the depressing past. Let’s move forward.”

“Okay. What does that mean?”

“How long will you be staying in Montana?”

“Don’t quite know yet. The federal task force I’m attached to offered to let me finally graduate from college. Truth is, I’m tired. I’d like to ride a desk for a change. I’m tired of living on the road.”

“I don’t blame you. And if you want to, you can stay at my apartment. I’ve been staying here for the most part.”

“Well, I’ll be moving forward with Sven. I’m staying with him.”

Isabelle’s eyebrows rose. “How long have you known him?”

“Long enough to know he’s perfect for me. When you know, you know, am I right?” Isabelle shrugged, then Ari asked, “So, how long have you known the ‘two’ guys you’re currently planning a future with?”

Isabelle grinned. Not very long according to some standards. “Touché.”

“I like your prosecutor. The cowboy? I’m not sure about him yet.”

“Trust me, they are both amazing and I’m lucky.”

“If you’re happy, I’m ecstatic. Although, being with two guys makes you the wild twin. I hope you know that.”

“Finally! I’ve wanted to be the wild twin all this time,” Isabelle exclaimed. They filled their wine glasses and toasted to renewing their sisterhood and better yet their friendship.

Ari called Sven, who picked her up as soon as she called for him. Even though it was nearly three in the morning.

Isabelle wondered if the poor man ever got any sleep between fetching her sister at all hours, following Isabelle around at the hotel, and working his full time security job at the bank. He deserved a medal and a full night’s sleep.

Colton had already gone back to his ranch last night when she and Ari began their epic discussion which lasted late into the night.

Once Ari was safely in Sven’s care, Isabelle went upstairs to Warrick’s bedroom, climbed into bed fully clothed, and snuggled up next to him. He embraced her even in his sleep, making her smile.

Isabelle might regret all the wine tomorrow morning, but for now, her life couldn’t be more perfect.

Chapter Sixteen

Two weeks later

The seventh annual sharpshooter’s festival at Old West Town.

Isabelle and her sister were quite at odds today. She wasn’t certain how this grudge match would turn out, but she hoped this feud wouldn’t last for a decade like last time.

“I’m a federal undercover agent, Isabelle. I practice at a gun range several times a month. You used to be a better shot than me, but since you likely haven’t practiced for at least a decade. I’ll bet you can’t even hit the broad side of a barn from ten feet away.”

“That’s mighty big talk for someone who has no clue whether I’ve been practicing for the last ten years or not,” Isabelle responded.

“Well, have you?”

Isabelle cracked a smile. It felt good to banter with her sister. “No. But I always counted on my natural ability anyway. I don’t need that much practice. And I say dealing with difficult hotel clientele has taught me plenty. My finger guns were always very accurate.”

Ari laughed out loud. “You keep telling yourself that, little sister, but I’m going to blow your pants off in today’s competition.”

Beside her, Colton chuckled.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Well, the truth is, I’d very much like to see your pants blown off today. However, I’d like to see that literally, not in a sharpshooter’s contest. I guess that doesn’t count, does it?”

“Very funny.”

Colton laughed again and kissed her cheek. “Besides, Duke and I have been trading victories for the past several years. We have two each in the past four years. Maybe one of us will win the day to make the third time a charm. Duke is also very confident. Or maybe I’ll be the one blowing everyone’s pants off today.”