“Got it.” He laughed, but Isabelle thought he sounded more relieved than anything. Their volatile kiss resumed, seemingly oblivious of their surroundings.

Warrick said, “I think you’ve had enough excitement for one night. Are you ready to go?”

Isabelle held up a forefinger. She strolled over to the front desk, directing the overnight clerk to initiate an incident report, which she promised to review and sign tomorrow on her shift.

Warrick said, “Duke’s going to question the prisoner tomorrow. I’ll be there because the Feds are looping me in as a courtesy. You don’t have to go.”

“What if I want to?”

“Do you?”

“Maybe. He tried to kill me and didn’t care if he had to gun down Sven to do it. Aren’t you prosecuting him?”

Warrick shook his head. “Not my jurisdiction. He was after your sister. Her people confirmed with a warrant notification. It’ll be a federal case. Duke’s only holding the guy temporarily until the transfer.”

“Oh.” Isabelle considered the recent revelation that her sister was involved with federal law enforcement. That would take some getting used to. “Well, I’m glad our part is over then.”

Colton said, “Me, too.”

Warrick nodded, but Isabelle figured he’d love to be involved in putting away the man who’d threatened her. “I know you want to prosecute him to the full extent of the law.”

The left side of Warrick’s mouth curved upward into a smirk, confirming what she already knew. “You’ve got that right.”

“And I love you for it,” she said. “But I’m glad we’re rid of them.”

“Okay, kitten, let’s get you home and tucked in, you’ve had a big day.”

Isabelle let her two men lead her away, down to the tunnel, onto a golf cart, a speedy journey through the tunnel, into the protected property, and straight to bed where they each took a turn making her scream in orgasmic delight before they let her sleep.

Two men and a future filled with love and passion.

Her life was perfect.

Chapter Fifteen

Warrick spent the morning practically skipping through his day. He thought after asking Isabelle to marry him, he’d somehow feel trapped. But instead he felt free. He took care of his morning cases, and handed off a couple so he could attend Vince’s questioning.

It wasn’t formal. But the guy had requested a meeting with Ari to tell her something. Whatever.

It turned out that Vince was the rumpled guy he’d seen in the hotel lobby watching Isabelle. He wanted to ensure this man paid the price for threatening the woman he and Colton were in love with. He hid the smile that tidbit of information caused. Isabelle was their woman. He loved that fact. He glanced at Ari.

Warrick was not often surprised by people he met, but he was fairly shocked to learn who Isabelle’s sister was in terms of law enforcement and the secrecy of the career path she’d chosen.

Ari had been in one undercover operation or another since her first college semester. It was also where she’d initially been recruited into that life. Isabelle hadn’t known what her sister did for a living all this time. Probably why their relationship had been strained for so long. Warrick was glad they were working things out.

Duke invited Warrick over to listen into the conversation with Vince and Ari. He’d only said the word lawyer for most of the morning, but after making his phone call, he’d requested an audience with Ari. She agreed to do it. Warrick and Duke had been invited to listen in to the conversation.

“What you want to tell me, Vince?” Ari asked before she even sat down at the interrogation table.

“I don’t want to tell you nothin’. I got some questions for you about your occupation.” He grinned an evil, crooked grin.

Ari laughed and straightened back up. “I’m not here to answer your questions. You can suck it. I’m out of here.”

“Sit down,” Vince said, obviously amused with himself for some reason. “C’mon, Oink. I was only kidding. I do have some news for you though.”

Ari crossed her arms, her expression wary. She didn’t sit back down, but stood behind the chair she’d most recently occupied defiantly.

Vince eyed the chair, but then rolled his eyes and started talking. “I should have believed you had a twin. That’s where I went wrong.”

Ari made a disgusted noise. “What does that even mean?”

“It means I made what I prefer to call a slip-up.”

“With regard to?”

He ducked his shoulders once. “With regard to the plan I had for you.”