Isabelle descended the stairwell a few more steps. Before she made it to the platform, the door that she and Sven had recently come through burst open.

Duke entered the stairwell, with his gun drawn and pointed down along one side and a very worried expression on his face. “Here you all are.” He bent the opposite arm, putting his mouth to his wrist, speaking into a radio. “I found them. Everyone finish your sweeps and meet at the pre-designated location.”

“Are you okay, Isabelle?” Duke asked, traipsing down a few steps to the middle of the staircase where she stood. He put a comforting hand in the center of her back, searching her face as if for confirmation she was unharmed.

“I’m fine.” She turned to the other three at the bottom of the stairs.

“Sven,” Duke said with a nod.

“Duke. I have someone here for you to arrest. He threatened Isabelle with a gun. Said it was for retribution.”

“That wasn’t very nice now, was it?” Duke looked over at Ari. Isabelle watched as his mouth fell open a little bit. Duke then looked back at Isabelle. Eyes squinting, he asked, “You are Isabelle, right?”

“Yes. Over there—with the gun—is my sister, Ari.”

He turned toward Ari, adding, “Pleased to meet you.”


Duke pulled handcuffs off of his belt, and then gave Vince a verbal warning from memory about his rights.

Ari leaned in and whispered something that Isabelle didn’t hear.

Vince turned to Ari. “This isn’t over, traitor pig. Not by a long shot.”

“Shut up, dumbass.” Sven helped Duke push Vince out the stairwell door leading down a long hallway that ended in the hotel’s main lobby.

Isabelle and Ari followed the three men as a multitude of questions battered her brain. “What did you ask him?”

“I asked how it felt to have me beat him again. I know it’s foolish bragging, but I couldn’t resist. Sven’s right. He’s a dumbass.”

“So, you heard about this threat and came to save me?” Isabelle asked her sister, feeling more favorably toward her sister than she had in forever.

“Kind of. Actually, I was on my way to meet Sven and got a message with a time and place for a hit. I had to come in through the Western park entrance instead of the public access for the hotel to make it in time.”

“How did you get past OWT security?” Isabelle asked.

“Flashed them my badge.”

“You have a badge?” Isabelle wondered if she knew her sister at all.

She nodded, looking a bit sheepish. “I’ve been in various undercover law enforcement taskforces and covert operations since college. I’m sorry I’ve kept my occupation a secret from you for so long, Isabelle. I always wanted to tell you, but there were restrictions and procedures involved in the process of informing family. Truthfully, I didn’t want you involved.” She shrugged. “Currently, I’m forced to change my status because of actions beyond my control. So the secret is out, and I’ll no longer be undercover.” She shrugged again. “It’s time to explain everything. I’m sorry we’ve been estranged for so many years.”

“I’m sorry, too. To be fair, I probably didn’t make it easy with my mind already made up about you and everything. But I am glad we’re finally making it right now. I’ve missed you, Ari.”

Ari gave her a winsome smile. “I’ve missed you, too. Before any more time goes by, I want to discuss our family issues. The thing is, you were not treated fair. Certainly not by me, way back then. Or Gran. Make no mistake, Isabelle. I came primarily to apologize. It’s long past time for that personal catch-up chat we need to have.”

“Thank you, Ari.” Isabelle was touched

The five of them—led by Vince being shoved along by Duke, followed next by Sven and then Isabelle and her sister—entered the hotel lobby in time to see another Enclave sheriff’s deputy waiting.

Duke handed the prisoner off to him with instructions. The deputy left with Vince and seconds later Warrick and Colton raced through the front doors of the hotel.

They ran over to the group, both Warrick and Colton surrounding her, hugging her, touching her, and kissing her.

Beside them, Ari leapt into Sven’s arms, plastering a kiss on his mouth. He broke it long enough to add, “Thanks for the rescue, smokin’ Siren.”

Ari said, “Couldn’t let you take a bullet. Not even for my sister.” Her brows rose. “But next time it’ll be your turn, Viking stud.” She then wrapped her legs around his waist. Patting his chest, she added, “But if you decide to catch any fire, make sure you’re wearing body armor, right?”