The night before Sven had done an excellent job of sticking with her but not making it seem like he was attached at her hip.

“Ready to do the final round before you go.”

She glanced at her watch, realizing they were already running about ten minutes late. “Yes. Thanks for the reminder. I got caught up.”

“No worries.”

They started on the top floor walking down each hallway, then descending to the next floor by way of the back stairwell to then walk that hallway, repeating all the way until they got to the ground floor.

Isabelle walked swiftly with a purpose tonight, partly because she was running late and partly because she was anxious to get over to Warrick’s house tonight.

She liked using the tunnel. She liked feeling like one of the gang. Besides, she loved Warrick and Colton and couldn’t wait to marry them in whatever configuration worked out for everyone.

Either of them having money or not hadn’t even occurred to her. They both had jobs as she did. Warrick’s house was huge, and he lived behind the compound walls. On some level perhaps she assumed he was financially set. She hadn’t thought about his money with regard to marriage. It wasn’t like she planned to become a housewife the moment she tied the knot.

Mostly she was fascinated by the lifestyle and especially enjoyed sharing it with the two of them.

Rounding the platform, Isabelle headed for the final flight of stairs, putting an extra spring in her step. Sven kept pace easily. Although to be fair, he wasn’t sporting three-inch heels either.

On the platform at the bottom of the last set of stairs leading to the hallway and main lobby area, Isabelle almost took a tumble when she saw the man at the bottom of the enclosed space.

She caught herself from taking the rest of the stairs head-first only by sheer will. Righting herself and slowing to a dead stop, Isabelle almost took a second tumble when the man fisted one hand and coughed into it. She went rigid the moment she heard the cough.

Thankfully, Sven seemed to understand the threat before she did, because he was past her, halfway down the stairs, and had put himself between them before the man lowered his arm.

Mr. Chronic Couth pulled a gun out of his other pocket, pointing it at the two of them crowded together on the stairs.

“You’re running late, Ms. Anderson,” the sinister-looking man said.

“So sorry to keep you waiting,” she said tartly.

“I see you brought your smart mouth with you on this job, too.”

Isabelle didn’t know what he was talking about. Unless he truly was convinced she was Ari.

Sven backed up one step to completely cover her with his large frame. Any bullet headed in their direction would hit him and not her.

“What do you want?” she asked.


“I don’t know you. I didn’t do anything to you.” Isabelle wanted to rationalize her way out of this situation. She’d never forgive herself if something happened to Sven because of her.

“I didn’t say it was for me.” Mr. Chronic Cough took a step forward, tightening his grip on the pistol he held.

“That’s far enough,” Sven warned. “Don’t take another step.”

“Or else what,” the man taunted. A grin shaped his lips.

A familiar figure suddenly appeared at the open doorway behind the man with the gun. Obviously, the gunman hadn’t seen the threat yet. The figure Isabelle recognized easily entered the platform behind him, also wielding a gun, surprisingly enough.

“Drop it, Vince,” Ari said, pushing the barrel of a sinister-looking weapon into the back of the gunman’s neck.

Vince startled, wheeling around halfway to see his new opponent. He looked back at Isabelle with a strange smile on his mouth. “I didn’t believe when I heard rumors there were two of you.”

“Your mistake,” Ari said, jabbing her gun harder into Vince’s neck. “Drop your weapon. Now!”

He lowered his gun, allowing it to clatter at his feet. Sven descended the remaining stairs, scooped the gun up, and said, “Glad to see you. Were your twin power senses tingling?”

“No. I got an emergency call from an informant that something was happening here tonight.”

“An emergency call from an informant?” Isabelle said. “What are you, law enforcement now?”

Ari winked. “Always have been, Isabelle.”

“I knew you smelled like pig from the moment I met you,” Vince said callously.

Sven shoved him face-first against the wall, banging his forehead. “Shut up. No one asked you to open your pie hole.” He grabbed one wrist, bringing it backward to the center of Vince’s back as if he planned to cuff the guy.