Much of their time would obviously be spent in conversation—specifically him telling her how he sorry was for what she’d overheard on the phone call, and explaining his family’s foolish nature with regard to money—but perhaps the remainder of the night could be spent making up.

By making up he meant sex and lots of it.

Colton was also resting up in his room down the hall for the coming night. His friend had been up since dawn with his horse, and likely needed the sleep more than any sex, but Warrick would wake him after the inevitable familial explanation chat he needed to have with Isabelle.

Warrick had given her the code to enter his house, but whenever she used it, he’d get an alert on his cell phone. He just didn’t expect to sleep through it.

“Warrick,” Isabelle whispered, directly next to his bed, her hand landing softly on his shoulder.

His eyes opened, he shot up in bed, and he blinked several times, seeing Isabelle after each blink. “Wow. I was only taking a quick nap. I can’t believe I fell into a full-fledged sleep.” His legs dropped over the side of the bed, and he rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up faster.

“Well, it is two thirty in the morning,” she whispered again. “Aren’t you usually in full-fledged sleep right now?”

He laughed. “Maybe.”

Warrick scrubbed a hand over his face, hating to be caught off guard. His mind still fuzzy with slumber, he did have the sense to pull her into his arms, wrapping them around her waist for full contact.

He pressed one side of his face against her chest, nuzzling into her softness. She didn’t stop him, but he could tell she wasn’t as clingy as he was. She moved forward a bit, her legs settling nicely between his thighs. The contact there woke him up more than anything so far.

One of her hands brushed along the back of his neck, sending riotous sensation down his body. His cock was waking up.

“Why don’t you go back to sleep?” she asked in a low tone.

“You don’t have to whisper.” Isabelle smelled so good. Her hands rested now gently on his shoulders, but she didn’t embrace him. She didn’t seem as enthusiastic as he was about tonight.

Oh. Right. He’d forgotten. He had some explaining to do because of his foolish family.

“Go back to sleep. We can talk tomorrow.”

“No. Give me a couple of seconds.” Warrick tightened his grip around her, not wanting to let another moment pass before explaining. “I want to clear everything up between us. I want you to understand what that call was, but moreover, what it wasn’t.”

“Okay. I’m ready. Tell me whatever you want to.”

He pulled his head back to look in her eyes. “I never wanted to get married—”

She pulled away, trying to break his embrace, her eyes all of a sudden shiny with unshed tears. “I already understand that, Warrick.”

“—until I met you.”

She stopped moving away. “What?” She was still whispering in the near dark. His room was only lit by a shaft of light coming from nightlight in the bathroom. The one he left on so he wouldn’t hurt himself going to the john in the middle of the night.

“I want to marry you, Isabelle.” Those six words had been on his mind all day. He’d dreamed about them. It was a relief to say them out loud.

“What?” She blinked and twin tears escaped down both cheeks.

“The reason I never wanted to get married before now involves my rich annoying family, a large amount of money, and a prenuptial agreement my future bride will be required to sign.”

“What?” she said for a third time, looking puzzled rather than sad. “I don’t quite understand. You don’t want to get married, but you have a pre-nup ready to go?”

“Not me, my family has the agreement drawn up. Any woman I marry must sign this rather extensive prenuptial agreement, whether I like it or not, and I don’t.”

She shook her head, squinting and shrugging. “But I don’t want your money. I don’t care one whit about your finances.”

He laughed. “Actually, I don’t either, but it doesn’t matter. I’m bound by an agreement that I consciously signed the day I turned eighteen. Lots of lawyers have put even more effort into this unwieldy document over quite a long time, so it’s massive and unbreakable to the best of my knowledge.”

“Oh. I see.” He didn’t think she understood yet, but she also wasn’t fighting to get out of his grasp anymore either. He took advantage, pulling her down to the bed so they could stretch out side by side and finish this talk. Or maybe do something else instead.