“I see. No problem. I’m happy to help ease your mind.”

“Great. Do you have access to OWT?”

Sven nodded. “I help out with their security from time to time. You know to fill in for vacations and the like when I’m not working at the bank for Garrett Campbell. Also, I hope it’s not a problem, but I won’t be able to work during the bank’s hours.”

“That’s fine. She works evenings. I’d like for you to hang out in the lobby of the hotel for a few nights when she works. Maybe as little as a week or at most two weeks. Like I mentioned, I believe I’ve discovered the source of the phone calls, and this is merely precautionary.”

The waitress came by and he ordered a much needed drink along with one for Sven.

Sven nodded. “And your lady will know I’m there, yes?”

“Yes. We discussed it. She doesn’t think it’s necessary either, making me all the more anxious for you to be there with her.”

He smiled. “Got it. No problem. I’ll be there if she needs me.”

“Thank you.”

Across the room, Warrick watched as the twin sister’s volatile, hand waving conversation came to an abrupt end.

Isabelle stood up, turned her back on Ari, and left the table, heading for the front exit. Ari followed her out the door. Warrick stood and went after them both. Sven was hot on his heels.

“Ladies,” Sven said, stepping beside him. “Where are you headed?”

Isabelle stopped in her tracks, turned around as Ari came up close, and said, “I’m headed back to work.”

Sven gave Warrick a look that seemed to ask, “Am I starting tonight?” Warrick gave him a slight nod.

“Isabelle,” Warrick said. “Let me go back to work with you.”

“I don’t need a chaperone, Warrick.” Her gaze flicked briefly to Sven before landing on him again. “Or a bodyguard.”

Ari threw her hands up. “If he’s offering you a bodyguard, you should take it, Izzy.”

Isabelle gave her sister a look that would shrivel a lesser man down to nothing. “Fine, Aribelle. I’ll let Warrick hire your new boyfriend.” Aribelle? Hmm. Kind of old fashioned. He’d expected her sister’s name to be Arianna for some reason.

Ari gave Isabelle a heart-wrenching look of betrayal. “Dirty pool, sis.”

“Learn my name, Ari.”

She inhaled deeply and exhaled as if to cool her anger. “Take the bodyguard, Isabelle.”

“What do you know about Isabelle needing a bodyguard?” Warrick asked.

Ari looked around the fairly quiet parking lot and shook her head. “I’d rather not explain out here.”

“Let’s go back inside.” Warrick pointed to the door.

Isabelle said, “You all do whatever you want. I’m headed back to work.”

Sven said, “I’ll follow you there in my vehicle.”


Warrick didn’t stop Isabelle from walking away and climbing into her car without kissing her good-bye like he wanted to. At least she wasn’t keeping Sven from going along. Small victories.

He understood her frustration and swore to himself that he’d explain to her satisfaction that unfortunate early morning call at the earliest possible occasion.

Family made lots of people crazy. She was certainly not alone in that regard. Isabelle drove out of the Tavern’s parking lot, not quite burning rubber and spraying gravel in her wake, but almost.

When he turned around, Sven and Ari were engaged in a tempestuously seductive kiss. He watched as their hands seemed to rove over and cover ninety percent of the other’s body, albeit through their clothing as the kiss commenced.

Truthfully, it was sexy. Warrick forgot how much he liked watching others kiss. In this case it looked as if they were about to strip down, get naked, and go for it on the gravel parking lot. It was very interesting watching Isabelle’s sister with Sven. They looked pretty good together.

After several lip-licking moments, and when they finally broke apart, Ari murmured, “Don’t forget about me, Viking stud.”

“Couldn’t if I tried, smokin’ Siren,” Sven said. He pulled away from Ari with obvious reluctance, gave Warrick an informal salute, and headed to a big black truck at the far corner of the bar’s parking lot.

Once he was alone with Isabelle’s sister, Warrick introduced himself. “I’m Warrick Harper.” He extended his hand.

“Ari Anderson.” She took his hand, shaking firmly, but remained quiet beyond giving up her name. She then studied him up and down as if making an assessment of his worthiness. How ironic.

“Can I buy you a drink?” he asked.