Back then he’d needed the money for his higher education and another wedge his parents had used to get him to sign the agreements. They’d hinted he’d have to do so in order to go to school. They might not be inclined to pay for it if he didn’t agree to their terms.

So he signed the hated papers to receive the obscene amount of money willed to him by previously bitter ancestors, hoarding their wealth as a legacy.

Initially, he’d used his inheritance to put himself through an Ivy League college. Then he’d gone on to what was arguably considered the best law school in the country. Depending on the person one was talking to, of course.

Warrick had done exactly what he wanted to do with his life, namely leave his family, and go on to live the life he’d chosen rather than the one he’d already led. The life he now cherished.

He loved being a prosecutor. He especially loved the job he currently had in Enclave, MT. Probably because it was so far removed from his family and the outlandish life they led. But also he liked living in a smaller city.

Up to now, he’d ignored their numerous attempts to lure him back East with promises of various perks that he had absolutely no interest in. Country club memberships to exclusive places. Law partnerships in prestigious firms. Reentrance into the upper crust society where his family resided. No thank you very much.

He was better off here. Isabelle was definitely better off never knowing where he’d come from or the life he’d led growing up. Or the grief she’d endure if he introduced her to his annoying family.

Warrick’s phone rang, disrupting his growing angry thoughts about his relatives.


“Hey, it’s Duke.”

“What’s up?”

“I have semiofficial information.”

“Good. Do tell.”

“I was able to trace the phone number used to call Isabelle. It was in fact from a burner as you predicted. It was also the one used for the earlier call she got the same night.”

“Interesting. What else?”

“Sorry, I only have bad news left. The purchase was made with cash.”

“Figures. Were you able to find out where the phone was purchased?”

“Yeah. But it’s fairly useless.”

“Oh? How so?”

“The purchase was made somewhere in New York. I know it’s discouraging information given the size of that particular state, but that’s all I have. It is what it is.”

“Not completely useless. My exasperating family is from New York State. It’s possible they found out I’m dating someone and are already hot on her tracks, and trying to scare her off or, worse, incorporate her into the madness.” The early morning phone call was not surprising given this new information. His family was nothing if not sneaky and well informed.

“Are you?” Duke asked.

“Am I what?”

“Dating someone?”

Warrick paused and rolled his eyes, hating to admit that Duke had been on the mark with Isabelle. He bit the bullet, and said, “You know I am.”

“I’m so pleased to hear you admit it.”

“I changed my mind. I’m not admitting anything.”

Duke chuckled in his ear. “Got it. Need anything else from me.”

“Yes. One thing. If I wanted to hire someone like a bodyguard to watch over Isabelle, while she’s at work during the evenings, do you know anyone in town you’d recommend?”

“Short term, right?”

“Yes. For a few days. A week maybe. It’s probably nothing, simply my family being themselves, but just in case, I’d like to be on top of things.” Even if it turned out to be his family, he would feel better if she had someone to depend on to get between her and anyone who wanted to talk to her about him.

“Right. I get it. I do know a guy. Sven. He works at the bank during the day, but his nights are typically free. I’ll text you his information.”


“I’ll even let him know to expect your call.”

“I don’t care what anyone says about you, Duke, you’re a stand-up guy.”

Duke grunted once and hung up.

A short while later a text from the sheriff came through with the needed information. One phone call and a few minutes later he had a meeting with Sven later tonight at the Trail’s End Tavern to discuss the details.

Protection was likely not needed, especially if this threatening phone call had come from someone in his family. However, Warrick liked the idea of her being protected from anyone trying to talk to her or gather more information about her. The vision of the man in the OWT’s hotel staring at her came immediately to mind. Was Rumpled Man hired by his family to spy on Isabelle?