“As long as we keep seeing her, I don’t care what you do.”


“Really. Well, except that from now on I’ll be the one sending out the flowers. See ya.”

Colton heard Warrick laughing long and hard until he exited his home. He understood his friend’s fucked-up family life made him cautious in relationships and everything, but he wanted to keep Isabelle.

He couldn’t see a future without her, but he also wouldn’t ditch Warrick. Their friendship was too long and had endured too much.

Putting all three of them—and their budding relationship—in the all-or-nothing category.

Chapter Ten

Isabelle’s back arched. She was seconds away from the latest orgasm of a lifetime about to race through her body. Was it wrong to already be addicted to this amazing sort of satisfaction each and every time she was with them?

Colton stiffened behind her, his cock buried to the hilt in her ass. Warrick was in front of her, watching her reaction, his cock still buried in her pussy. He hadn’t let go yet. He always waited for her to go first. And tonight he watched her very carefully. She discovered quickly that she liked being watched. She liked it very much.

They had discussed options earlier in the evening. They had told her about all manner of delicious things they could do together. But the one thing that stuck in her mind was what if someone watched the three of them together as they made love.

What if someone watched them even now? What if they saw her about to come? What if… Oh God!

The most vigorous pleasure suddenly raced through her, taking all of her what if thoughts away with them. Waves of bliss exploded through her veins, her limbs, her brain, her everything. They were her everything.

Beneath her, Warrick grunted and thrust his cock hard, deep, and fast inside her slick, pulsing pussy. Just the way she liked it.

Isabelle’s eyes fairly rolled back in her sockets as the amazing orgasm consumed her body, heart, and soul. Behind her, Colton groaned, finding his own release. After a few moments he leaned hard against her back.

She slumped forward onto Warrick’s chest, trying to catch her breath and support Colton as he also breathed in and out very hard.

“Fucking amazing,” he whispered when he spoke.

Isabelle’s face was pressed to Warrick’s shoulder. She’d finally caught her breath, but as the bliss faded, her doubts crept in. Would she ever have sex with them where she didn’t immediately think she was a conversation away from being out the door, never to see either of them ever again?

She swallowed hard, keeping her cranky thoughts to herself, wishing her inner monologue wasn’t always so morose.

This was their third date, if she counted the first date as the foreplay at Colton’s upstairs ranch house master bedroom. And she did. Several glorious sexual experiences, two fabulous meals together, and one inescapable truth. She was in love. She never wanted to be parted from them. Not ever. She couldn’t stand the idea of any future meetings in town when they weren’t together as a threesome.

The problem was how to convince them, especially Warrick.

She kissed his chest. And then his throat. He lifted onto his elbows, pressing his lips to her forehead. Colton carefully withdrew from her, heading to the expansive bathroom.

Isabelle disengaged herself from Warrick, but quickly cuddled up alongside him in bed. Soon she was drowsing, half-asleep and so relaxed she could fall into a deep slumber lasting for a hundred years.

Warrick stroked her back whispering sweet nothings about how beautiful she was and how amazing she was in bed. Stroke. Praise. Stroke. Praise.

Right before she dropped off completely, he said something she thought she must have heard wrong.

“You are absolutely one of a kind, Isabelle,” he whispered. “I’d be a fool to ever let you go. And I’m no fool.”

Isabelle should have tried harder to wake up and remark on his sentiment, but was far too relaxed post sexual bliss to even rouse. Besides he likely hadn’t even said it. She’d probably been dreaming.

In the wee hours of the morning, she woke up when Colton rolled out of bed and left for his ranch. He’d warned her that he always had early morning chores. But he kissed her exuberantly before heading out, waking her enough to be coherent and remember what Warrick had possibly whispered to her the night before.

If he’d even said anything at all. With her brain more alert now, she convinced herself that she’d dreamed up those sweet nothings. She certainly didn’t possess the courage to ask about it now.

Isabelle watched Warrick sleep for a few minutes. Darkly handsome whether awake or asleep, he even looked stern while he rested. Now that she was more fully awake, her bladder forced her from the bed. She grabbed her clothing and headed to his lush bathroom without waking him up.