A quick scan of the area showed there were no other people in the lobby, save one man. He was seated, effectively hidden behind another large post, and located much closer to the desk.

Warrick noticed that the man was also watching Isabelle. Or was he? The evil green envy monster reared its ugly little head again as Warrick took a closer look at the other guy.

The man looked rough for lack of a better word. His rumpled suit, while of very nice quality, also looked like it had doubled as his pajamas for the last several nights. Warrick could see him, but even if Isabelle turned all the way around, she might still not notice this strange man or his intense interest due to the angle of where he sat.

Isabelle’s distinct laugh rang out, echoing across the lobby. Warrick wanted to go see her, but he wanted the other man to stop staring at her more.

Without thinking his actions through too clearly, he lifted his shoulder from the post and headed in the direction of the rumpled-looking voyeur. The guy saw him the moment he moved from his perch. His quarry looked suddenly alarmed at having been caught. He turned away, leaping from his seat to exit the lobby through a side door using a hotel key card.

Warrick couldn’t follow him since he’d gone into a hotel patron only area. He didn’t have a key. Probably some hotel client with a crush on his woman. Hard to blame the guy. Then the words he’d thought came in again, and amused him. His woman.

He changed his trajectory once the man disappeared, heading instead on a path straight for his woman. Two steps away from Isabelle, the front desk clerk noticed him and stiffened slightly. Isabelle whirled around as he glided into her personal space, not touching her, but wanting to very much.

“What are you doing here?” Her shock was evident. So was the desk clerk’s expression.

The other girl was pretty in a too young, too perfect, too made up, too plastic and unnatural sort of way, and Warrick had never been interested in that type even temporarily. He dismissed the clerk from his mind and put his focus on Isabelle. “I wanted to ask you something. Do you have a minute?”

“Sure.” But she didn’t move. She stared up into his eyes with that beautiful amber gaze, making him want to devour her whole.

“In private?” he asked with a smile.

“Oh. Yes, of course.” She nodded, but managed to look adorably uncomfortable. She waved to the other employee and headed toward the series of hallways leading to her office.

Warrick followed behind. He couldn’t wait to get her alone. Shaking off his unruly lust, he promised to be on his best behavior because she was at work. He respected that.

Initially, he’d come here wanting to know if she was okay after last night’s raucous sex-capades. Watching her amazing ass—as she fairly sashayed to her office—made him realize she looked absolutely perfect. It also made his mouth water.

He’d also wanted to discover if she might be ready for more tomorrow night. Although, he was ready now. Damn it. Stop.

He should call himself a big fat liar, because the truth he didn’t admit was that he wanted to see her, kiss her, hold her, sweep the papers off of her desk, and take her from behind regardless of her paper-thin walls. He sucked in a deep breath to dispel the visceral vision now clouding his judgment and good sense.

But he wouldn’t touch her. Unless she wanted him to.

What the fuck was wrong with him?

That question resonated in his head the moment they crossed the threshold of her modest office space. The scent of fresh flowers filled his lungs as she closed the door. She’d gotten the flowers. Good.

Warrick took her immediately in his arms before even breathing in a second time, and kissed her like he might never get to see her again after tonight.

The good news was, she kissed him back the exact same way.

The bad news was, maybe he shouldn’t be panting after her every second of every day and acting like he wanted a forever with her when it wasn’t possible.

Maybe once he stopped kissing her silly, he should once again make it clear that he still wasn’t interested in marriage.

Although, maybe he should make that fact clearer to himself first.

Chapter Nine

Isabelle lost her head a little bit in the passionate kiss Warrick delivered. She’d barely gotten her office door closed before he grabbed her up, kissed her hard, and overwhelmed all of her senses.

Like he always did.

She’d be lying if she wasn’t delighted that he’d come back to her workplace tonight so unexpectedly.

Warrick finally pulled his mouth from hers, but kept her in a bear-hug clench. “I missed you.” He pressed his lips to hers briefly once more and pushed his forehead into hers as if to keep the connection.