The new little secret she whispered in her mind, I love you both, she tucked away quickly. Unless she got to stay in their lives for the long haul, she was keeping that tidbit private.

She hoped the lovesick expression she felt deep inside, yearning to come out, didn’t live on her features permanently for all the world to see. Especially in front of Warrick and Colton.

Isabelle would be completely heartbroken once this relationship ended. She batted down the devastation she’d feel, instead putting her mind on the memory of tonight’s incredible lovemaking. Whether having sex with only one of them while the other watched or, better yet, double penetration bliss, Isabelle was firmly planted in the I love this lifestyle side.

She wished once more for the chance to stay forever. If only.

* * * *

Warrick watched Colton make love to Isabelle with eager enthusiasm. Lovely, naked and expressive, Isabelle’s body faced the center of the wood–framed, iron spindled headboard.

Colton, meanwhile, thrust his hips forward into what Warrick knew was a very tight and satisfying rear channel. Isabelle’s head was turned to one side so Warrick witnessed her unguarded expressions firsthand. Beautiful.

Her arms rested above her head, fingers spread open on the wall as Colton fucked her from behind. One of his arms wrapped around her middle and a hand massaged one breast. His other hand was buried between her thighs, likely stroking her clit if her cries of passion were any indication.

It sounded like she was just about to release again. He couldn’t wait for his turn to make her scream in joy, but he also enjoyed watching the show.

Just as his friend had wanted a chance to experience anal sex with her, Warrick looked forward to fucking her pussy while Colton watched him do it. That would be next on the sexual agenda for this evening.

His cock throbbed in anticipation as Colton brought Isabelle to a vibrantly arousing climax. She tilted her head back, screaming to the rafters her exalted joy. Colton groaned deeply with his final thrust into her body. He then pressed his hips forward against Isabelle’s derrière, stiffening in satisfied climax. His head fell forward onto her shoulder. She panted still, her body shifting into the headboard, as one of her cheeks flattened against the wall’s surface above the bed.

Warrick stroked himself, trying to tame the unruly beast wanting Isabelle with a powerful desire. A craving he’d never felt quite so strong before. He also wanted to experiment. Would she agree to a bit of bondage tonight?

Colton pulled away from her, kissing her cheek before leaving the bed. Isabelle soon peeled away from the headboard and wall, crawling on all fours in Warrick’s direction. He was seated in a chair beside the bed, but stood up as she approached the edge.

Interestingly enough, her mouth was in exact alignment with his ragingly hard cock as they met together at the side. He grabbed himself, stroking his dick from base to crown as she watched.

Isabelle looked up into his eyes briefly before focusing her attention on his throbbing cock once more. Her mouth opened, she leaned forward, and his dick slid between her soft lips instantly. The sensation of her warm mouth sucking his cock made his knees go weak for a few seconds. He still gripped the base of himself as she worked him in and out of her mouth.

Again, his lack of control around her was stupefying. Warrick glanced down at her sucking his cock, nearly swooning with pleasure at the quick visual.

Without thinking it through, Warrick released his cock, plunging both of his hands into her silky hair as a way to keep her mouth on his dick. He thrust his hips forward, fucking her mouth as tendrils of her soft hair worked between his fingers. He gripped the back of her head gently, keeping her in the perfect position to continue the amazing blow job.

Warrick’s eyes slid shut. His attention centered completely on his cock, her mouth, and the satisfying oral dance of arousal and desire taking place.

Colton entered the room, but Warrick didn’t change a thing. He gripped her hair a little tighter as her expert sucking rushed his arousal forward nearly to the explosive realm of pleasure.

He wanted to come, but he wanted to fuck her pussy more. Before he embarrassed himself with any further lack of control, Warrick pulled his cock away from her luscious mouth. Her lips let go of the head of his cock with a small pop of released suction.

Warrick bent at the waist, trying to gather his limited sense in the wake of perfection.

“I would have let you come,” she said quietly.

“I appreciate that,” he whispered in return. “But I want to fuck your pussy. I’ll save blow job completion for a later date.”

“Okay. What position would you like to employ right now?”