The overwhelming desire he’d felt. The never before realized feelings of rightness encompassing him that day when they’d been with her. And they hadn’t even had sex with her yet.

Perhaps she was special, but he didn’t know to what extent.

Perhaps she would last longer than any of the others.

Perhaps they’d stay together, even though marriage was always going to be out of the question. It is out of the question, isn’t it? No ready answer came.

Warrick said softly, “I don’t want to break your heart, Isabelle. But the truth is the two of us don’t typically participate in long-lasting relationships.”

She swallowed hard and broke the intense gaze they shared. She soon nodded. “Okay. Thank you for being honest.”

Colton squeezed her shoulder. “Do you want us to leave?”

Warrick sent Colton a positively demonic what the fuck look. Colton ignored him, turning and focusing instead on her.

Isabelle looked at Warrick over one of Colton’s shoulders and said quickly, “Absolutely not. Please don’t leave. I’ll ensure I guard my heart as we go along for however much time we have together.”

She could guard her heart all she wanted, but once they started making love to her, Warrick wanted her unguarded release to include each of their names being screamed to the rafters. And he wanted to hear it over and over again. He might never get tired of hearing her climax.

Isabelle moved away from them both, walking toward a short hallway. She stopped, looked over one shoulder, and asked, “Do you want to see my bedroom or are we leaving to go to your house right away?”

Warrick did want to see her bedroom. He walked toward her. “Both. What if I want to see your bedroom, and I want to take you to my house right away?”

“Okay. I’ll quickly show you. Then we can go.” She grinned and led them to a generously sized bedroom at the end of the short hallway.

Warrick noted it was not filled with girly fripperies, and he truly appreciated that. He glanced at her queen-sized bed wondering briefly if they’d all fit on it should they decide to partake of some foreplay here. It would be a tight fit.

He had an oversized, custom king in his master bedroom, requiring specially made sheets to fit it. He couldn’t wait to show it to Isabelle. He couldn’t wait to make love to her there or here or both places.

Although, he also hadn’t given much thought to what might happen after any sexual contact. Isabelle had every right to be worried about a short-term relationship with the two of them. They did have a very strict reputation. Wasn’t that the reason he’d instituted the rules in the first place? Sex for him had become a needed physical release without any emotion at all attached to his former brief partners.

While he suspected that the coming affair with Isabelle might break the length of their previously held relationship record, sadly, he also didn’t think they’d last forever. Not because of her. But because he knew himself. He knew how he always was. He remembered the reason he didn’t want to get married in the first place.

Along with that dreary thought came the unfathomable idea of Isabelle moving on to another man after their affair was over. Warrick suppressed the sudden urge to piss on the walls of her bedroom like a feral wolf, coating each and every surface to mark his territory so no other would dare enter here.

The idea of any other man beyond the two of them ever being invited into this room made his soul shrivel, his back teeth ache in fury, and a fine sheen of sweat break out on his brow.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked suddenly. As they’d traversed the short hallway, Warrick had pondered the idea of making love to her on the surface of her bed. Just a quickie to lick an orgasm or two out of her before dinner. He could then watch her during their coming meal with anticipatory glee at what would happen later.

With the sweet scent of her filling his lungs now, Warrick simply wanted to get her to his place as soon as possible. Besides, he needed to get his fading control back.

Being at her place, in her room, with her scent surrounding them made him weak. Nervous. Out of control. He desperately needed his authority back in check. Once he was in a familiar place of his own making, his evaporating command would reappear. Right?

She nodded, but he sensed her disappointment. As if she, too, wanted a memory in this room for a later date. Perhaps he’d return and give her one. Perhaps. Depending on how long this romantic situation lasted.

Isabelle locked up her modest home and climbed into his car. They drove at a more sedate speed to his home inside the tall, secure walls of the compound, housing fellow Old West Town owners.