Colton grasped the handhold above his head on the door’s upper edge to keep upright in his seat as Warrick maneuvered his expensive beast of a vehicle out of the compound where he lived and through the various streets of Enclave toward Isabelle’s house. “Oh? Are you anxious? I hadn’t noticed.”

The car swerved left, putting Colton’s shoulder firmly into the passenger door. Warrick took a hard right, and Colton clutched the handhold with all his strength to keep himself on his side of the front seat. “Jesus. Anxious is one thing, but I don’t want to die on the way over there.”

“Relax.” Warrick stomped the gas, pushing Colton’s shoulders fully into the molded leather seat during the next long straightaway. Seconds later his friend slowed down, took a couple of right turns into a residential area, and parked in front of a house on the right hand side of the street.

Warrick rammed the gearshift into park, unlocked the doors, unbuckled his seatbelt, and had his door open, exiting the car before Colton had barely settled in his seat from the sway of the racecar-style ride over.

“Hurry up,” Warrick said, rounding the front of the vehicle. He headed toward her front door, eating up yards of ground with his long strides, and very obviously impatient to get this date started.

Colton laughed to himself, hustled out of the car, and hurried to meet his friend at the front door of Isabelle’s house, expecting in his current mood Warrick wouldn’t wait for Colton to join him on the small porch before knocking. And he didn’t.

By the time the door opened, and they saw her, Warrick pushed the door wide, took her into his arms, and kissed her soundly. Colton followed him in, closed the door, and witnessed Isabelle’s startled expression.

Colton caught her stunned gaze. “He’s anxious.”

“Clearly,” she said in a sexy, breathy voice. Colton moved in and kissed her as well, putting his palm in Warrick’s face, and pushing him away simply to annoy him.

“What is wrong with you?” he asked, pulling Colton’s hand away from his face.

Colton finished kissing Isabelle. “I’m keeping you from ripping her clothes off before you say any more words.”

Warrick frowned, but backed up a step. “I apologize if I came on too strong. I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you, too,” she said shyly. Her cheeks had gotten pink as Warrick had gotten forceful. She’d get points for that. Warrick did like to be in ultimate control. Her growing blush was likely about to put his friend straight into the stratosphere of lust, if he wasn’t already there.

Colton nominated himself as the one to explain things to her, at least to start out. Warrick looked like he wanted to fuck her raw first and then possibly explain everything else later.

“So about the rules we wanted to discuss,” Colton said casually.

Warrick seemed to come out of his trancelike, lust-fueled conqueror mode to pause and nod. “We have rules,” his friend said, clearly besotted with Isabelle.

Colton rather enjoyed seeing Warrick so out of his element and impacted by a woman. He’d never had any problem laying down the law regarding how they conducted their sexual engagements before. He’d always been rather clinically detached, truth be told.

Isabelle was obviously special to him, too.

“Okay,” she said. “I’m ready.”

Warrick moved in, clutching Isabelle to his body, kissing her mouth like he never planned to let her go. Colton didn’t want to be left out if they were forgoing the “rules” explanation. He moved in close, hugged up to Isabelle’s back, parked his hands on her slim hips, and nuzzled his face against her neck. He kissed and nibbled her sweet skin, reveling in the sexy moans she made as a result of their carnal attention.

Colton wasn’t certain how long it would have gone on had Isabelle not stiffened between them. She broke the kiss with Warrick, turning her head to one side, whispering, “Wait. Weren’t you both going to tell me some rules?”

He caught Warrick’s intent gaze, wondering if his friend was completely off the rails. He didn’t look like he wanted to talk. Instead, he looked very much like he wanted to go for it and let the chips fall where they may.

“We should tell her the rules, Warrick. She needs to hear them.”

His friend cleared his throat, pulled his fingers from her face, and distanced himself by moving back a step. “You’re right. We do. My control seems very limited in Isabelle’s immediate space. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. She’s dangerous.”

“I’ve never heard you say that before. Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” Colton narrowed his eyes, staring at Warrick with shock.