Her mouth fell open in shock, but in the next second he grinned. It was clear he was kidding. “Very funny,” she said.

“Not even kidding.” He abruptly moved closer to her, stepping from between her desk and chair. His full height edging closer made her feel small, and he already filled her office with dark, sexy prosecutor pheromones. He smelled delicious.

“Yes. There’s a lock. However the insulation in the walls is wholly inadequate. Anyone within ten feet of my office door would hear us.”

“I wish I had a problem with that.” He reached out and pulled her against his chest. “The truth is, I don’t care if anyone hears us. Being heard having sex only ups the excitement.” He tightened his embrace, brushing his mouth along her neck on the sensitive space below her ear.

A few more kisses like that, and she might very well clear the top of her pristine desk herself. No. This is your workplace. Be strong.

Isabelle pushed at his overwhelming grip, trying unsuccessfully to put some distance between them. “That’s because you don’t work here.”

Warrick released her suddenly and took a one step back. “You’re right. I apologize.” He looked so contrite, Isabelle faltered a bit in her stance. “The scent of you tests my limited control.” Right back at ya.

“Is that so?” Isabelle looked into his piercing blue eyes, which made her nonexistent control falter. She stepped forward, filling the empty space between them but being very careful not to touch him. Touching was dangerous. “I’m surprised to see you here, tonight.”

“That makes two of us.” He placed his hands on her shoulders, but didn’t make a move to hug her. Pity. “You were on my mind all the rest of the day. Even when I was in court and supposed to be focused on my caseload.”

“I’ll bet you say that to all the girls.” She was trying to be light, but truly wanted to be special.

A dark smile shaped his perfect mouth. “No. I promise, this has never happened to me before.”

“That’s sweet.” She did a mental happy dance as they continued to stare at each other for several more seconds. Warrick looked like he wanted to say something else, but didn’t speak.

After a few more silent moments, he leaned in suddenly and kissed her hard on the mouth. Isabelle was swept away by his earnest passion. He broke the savagely engaging encounter without warning, staring at her like he either couldn’t get enough or wanted more and sought her permission. She wouldn’t have sex with him in her office.

“Why are you truly here?” she asked.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I had to see you. Trust me when I say I’m not prone to spontaneous overtures. Not at all. I’ll say it again. You are dangerous.”

His huge interest swelled against her belly. Isabelle smiled and grabbed his cock through the fabric of his expensive slacks. He groaned, but didn’t stop her. “Do you need me to relieve you? Did you change your mind after lunch and decide you also wanted some foreplay?”

“Maybe,” he murmured, as if he wasn’t paying attention. However, his distracted attitude changed quickly enough.

Warrick’s posture straightened, and he backed away from her, stiff cock and all. “No. That’s not why I’m here. I would never come here and expect anything of a sexual nature. I promise you, Isabelle.”

“Okay.” She moved forward again. “I appreciate that you respect the work place environment whether it’s your place or mine.”

His eyes still looked glazed over. “When do you get off work?” he asked, his voice as husky as his lust-filled gaze was intense.

She laughed. “I work the night shift, so I started an hour ago. I won’t be off until a couple hours after midnight.”

“Right,” he said, and then his expression changed. “So tomorrow night, you’ll be wide awake for the entire evening.”

“Yes. And well into the night.” She moved forward with the intention of giving him a taste.

He shook his head, grasping her upper arms with his large hands. “No. I need to calm down before I exit your office.”

“Is that so?” Isabelle grinned wildly that he was so impacted by her that he needed time to gather his wits. “I like it that you’re barely in control when we’re alone together.”

“Do you?” A smirk appeared, but it wasn’t sinister, simply amused.

“Yes. It makes me feel powerful.”

Warrick’s eyes hardened like flint. “Well, I like power, too.”

She shrugged. “I’m okay with that.”