“Do I?” Heat flooded her face and she saw Jessica smile, promptly lifting her eyebrows as if in triumph.

“You do.” Luckily, he didn’t dwell on it. “So how did the meeting with Colton go? Is he interested in our offer?”

Isabelle took a deep breath, calming herself, and said, “The meeting went well. Colton is very anxious to keep the property in use. He’s already on board to start regular quick daily tours out there whenever we’re ready to go, and more extensive ones whenever we get more requests and more staff.”

“Good.” He paused again, but then quickly started asking rapid-fire questions regarding the list of items of nitty-gritty details he’d left for her to ask Colton. She answered each and every one with concise information and by the end of their discussion, Gray sounded impressed.

“Great job, Isabelle. I’ll have the lawyers draw up the necessary paperwork and contracts for Colton to sign in the next few weeks. Once that’s officially taken care of, we can start offering daily tours to our guests and expand to larger tours as we’re able later on.”

Jessica added, “The next step will be to determine what exactly we’ll offer and how much we’ll charge along with the personnel required from our end.”

“Right. And since you did such a good job on this first task, I’ll also let you two work on that next step together.”

They heard a woman’s voice in the background of the speakerphone. It sounded like Gray fumbled his phone, covered the mouthpiece, and then said, “Okay. I’ve got to go. Thanks for taking care of everything. Bye.” He hung up before either of them said anything in return.

Jessica laughed out loud as she pushed the button to end the call. “I love that Gray is otherwise occupied with a secret love life. It’s about time, too.”

Isabelle stood up, tucking her notebook back in her satchel. Her thoughts were squarely focused on her own potential love life.

“I hope the same thing for you, Isabelle,” Jessica said.

Before she could respond, someone knocked at the door. Jessica said, “Come in.”

The night concierge stuck her head inside. “There you are, Isabelle. Someone’s here to see you. I told him to wait in your office until I found you.”

“Him? Who is it?”

“Warrick Harper. He’s the Enclave prosecutor. You haven’t done anything illegal, have you?” she asked and then laughed.

Isabelle’s turned toward Jessica, her cheeks flaming. “Tell him I’ll be right there.” Her eyes widened. Jessica grinned like a loon.

“Sure thing.” The night concierge closed the door.

Jessica fanned herself. “Well now, that didn’t take long.”

“He was supposed to pick me up tomorrow night. Perhaps he’s thought better of it. Perhaps he doesn’t want to start up with me after all. Maybe he’s breaking up with me before we even get started.”

Jessica gripped her shoulders for a moment, staring into her eyes. “Or perhaps he can’t wait another minute to be with you. Tell you what, I’ll stick around for an hour or so while you go, lock your office door, and do what comes naturally. I don’t want you to miss your chance.”

“Jessica! I’m at work.”

She shrugged, releasing her hold. “And I’ll cover for you. It’s not like we aren’t a little more relaxed on the night shift, right?”

“Not that relaxed.” Isabelle shook her head and turned toward the door. “I’m not going to have sex with him in my office.” She paused and added, “At least not tonight.” She winked. It felt good to be a bit of a bad girl.

Jessica laughed out loud, and said, “Whatever.” She waved, and Isabelle exited quickly.

She raced to her office and then paused outside, entering the room with a fake nonchalance. The moment his scent entered her lungs, her knees went weak. “What are you doing here?” she managed to ask before putting her gaze on him. He stood between the guest chairs and her desk.

Warrick Harper was sin personified. How did she ever think she’d be able to handle a powerful man like him? She was so far out of her league, she might as well be on another planet.

He smiled and shrugged. “It was a spontaneous trip. I wanted to see where you worked.”

“Oh?” She glanced down at her pristine desk, knowing inside that no papers strewn on top would stop her if he initiated anything carnal. “What do you think?” she asked, trying to calm down and keep the rate of her heartbeats below two hundred a minute.

“Got a lock on your door?” he asked, pointing a thumb over one beefy shoulder.