Colton looked up briefly. “And you obviously raced here as if the speed laws don’t apply to you.”

“You can’t tell me to meet you here with Isabelle waiting and expect me to take the long, slow, scenic route.” His gaze was positively satanic with desire. “At least not until I get here. The long, slow, scenic route is probably best for the coming scenario.”

Warrick looked slightly out of place in this casual western setting with his power suit and perfect tie. “Also, this room is on the opposite side of the house. Easy to sneak up.” The salacious half smile shaping one corner of his mouth made Isabelle’s heart speed up.

He entered the room, heading toward them. “Besides. You didn’t have to wait. I promise, I’ll catch up in no time.”

Warrick glided behind her, his hands resting on her hips. He pressed his muscular form against her back, kissing the sensitive space below one ear as Colton pressed his lips to her mouth.

Isabelle was overwhelmed in seconds. Sandwiched in between two men she’d been salivating over and dreaming about for weeks was so much more vividly exciting when both of them were hugged up against her body.

Her heartbeat sped yet again, and every single erogenous zone on her body woke up and took notice. Colton’s eased closer, hugging her front. Warrick pressed more firmly to her back.

She was surrounded. She didn’t know where to put her hands, opting to leave them at her sides. Her bra slipped down, revealing her hardened nipples to Colton’s gaze. He swore under his breath, seconds before his mouth latched onto one, sucking the tip deeply between his warm lips.

Isabelle moaned, dropping her head back against Warrick’s chest. He whispered, “Beautiful,” before cupping the other one and running his thumb over her nipple.

The space between her legs had become a waterfall. Her panties were hopelessly saturated. Warrick kept one hand on her breast, but the other slipped beneath her skirt. He lifted the fabric high on her leg, dipping one finger between her thighs. Now he knew how wet she was, too.

“My, my. Aren’t you all juicy, hot, and bothered between your legs for us?”

Isabelle only moaned again.

Colton released her nipple and kissed his way south. Before she knew what was happening, he’d pulled her panties down and inserted his face, more specifically his tongue, between her pussy lips.

The moment he licked her clit, she nearly fell to the floor. Luckily, Warrick held her up. His face was next to hers, they both watched Colton doing his best to bring her off.

She’d never had an orgasm while standing up, but she was about to.

Warrick moved both of his hands to her breasts. He rubbed, pulled, and squeezed her nipples, which sent riotous pleasure down to her pussy. She vibrated with the need to come. It wouldn’t take very long.

She was breathing hard and moaning every other time she inhaled. Having two men working to bring her off was sublime. Warrick kissed the back of her neck all of a sudden and then bit down on her sensitive skin. The action of his teeth sinking into her flesh sent a wild pulse of arousal straight to her pussy. Each flick of Colton’s tongue against her clit pushed her higher and higher toward what she wanted most. Breathtaking long-awaited release.

Colton licked her clit one more time and she stopped moaning and started screaming as the most acutely powerful orgasm consumed her body and soul. It was a good thing Warrick held her, because she would have been on her ass and sprawled on the floor otherwise.

She screamed once more as Colton inserted a finger and then a second one inside her body. Her pussy squeezed his digits repeatedly, as he pumped them fast and hard, in and out, much to her pleasure.

Once she stopped screaming and coming, Colton removed his hand. He pulled her panties back into place and stood up licking his lips and his fingers as she watched.

Isabelle was still breathing hard. Warrick pulled his hands from her breasts, securing an arm around her waist to keep her from falling. Her legs still weren’t up to the task quite yet.

When she could speak, she said, “That was absolutely incredible.”

Warrick whispered, “I thought so, too.”

Colton grinned. “You taste so good, it makes my mouth water just thinking about it.” He moved closer, kissing her passionately. The scent of her pussy still flavored his lips, which only aroused her again.

Warrick turned her in his arms until she faced him. “Let me know when you’re ready.”

“For what?” Foolish question. It was sex. He wanted sex. So did she. Time to shed some clothing.

“For me to lick you until you scream. I want a turn, too.”

“Oh? I thought…I thought…” She stopped trying to form words, too aroused to complete a sentence apparently. Exactly like she’d been the first time she smacked into Warrick at the courthouse. They both made her brain go soft with pleasure.