“Technically, his name is Thundercloud. He was born on a wicked bad rainy day three years ago. Seemed appropriate at the time. And he sort of grew into the name. Although you’re right, Pistol would also have been a good choice.” As if hearing his name, Thunder bumped his arm again, likely wanting a treat.

Then he nudged Isabelle once more, which was highly unusual. His horse didn’t typically engage with other humans so easily. Colton took it as a good sign.

“Did you grow up around horses?” he asked her.

“Heavens no. I’m a city girl born and bred.” She giggled when Thunder pushed her once more. “He won’t bite me, will he?”

“Nah. He’s a pussycat.” Colton retrieved an apple from his saddlebag and offered it up. “Here, give him this and you two can become best friends.”

She didn’t frown so much as look so serious when she fed his horse the apple. Colton tried not grin like an idiot. Was there a paradigm for what it meant when a guy’s horse made fast and easy friends with the girl he wanted? Uncertain.

He’d rather kiss her again. However, distracting her focus with his wily, spoiled horse gave Colton an opportunity to get a better look at her when she wasn’t watching. She was quite stunning.

Wavy, strawberry blonde hair fell six or eight inches below her lovely slim shoulders. Her smooth beautiful skin made him want to brush his fingers along every inch of her body starting with her face and then moving to more curvaceous places.

However, her best feature by far was the sexy, sensuous, pout-shaped, kissable mouth he’d recently had his lips attached to and wanted to do so again.

Thunder nibbled the small apple from the palm of her hand, nodding and chomping at the same time. She meanwhile yanked her fingers away as of fearful of getting them bitten off.

“Your horse is very interesting,” she said, quietly adding, “And so are you.”

Isabelle faced away from him, now rubbing her palm above Thunder’s nose gently when he prompted her.

Colton took the opportunity to wrap his arms around her frame once more, pressing his chest into her back, and dropping his chin onto her shoulder. “Interesting in a good way?”

She turned her head, pressing her face to his cheek. “Yes. Most certainly.”

“Do you want to go back inside? We didn’t tour the upstairs bedrooms last time.”

“What?” She stiffened in his arms, but he didn’t release her.

“Do you want to go back inside for some privacy?” He repeated the question, adding clarity. He also brushed his hand beneath both of her breasts, glancing his thumb along each swell. He truly wanted her all to himself for another kiss. Or whatever.

“I really do.” Excellent. “So I shouldn’t.” What?

“What?” he repeated out loud.

“Surely you noticed that I have zero capacity to resist you.”

Colton laughed. “Well, I don’t have a problem with that.” He nuzzled her neck, backing them step by step toward the porch.

“Aren’t we going to have to meet up with Warrick…sometime soon? He mentioned he was going to find me so we could all…talk.”

“We can do both. Look at the house now, and also meet later.” He kissed the spot below her ear again tenderly.

She broke free, turning in his arms to face him. He saw the uncertainty in her eyes.

“What are you worried about?”

“I don’t know exactly how this works.”

Colton’s eyes narrowed. You go inside with me and I put my hand up your skirt until you sing a high note. “How this works?”

Her cheeks turned crimson. “You know the whole two men with one woman thing. I’ve never…I don’t…I’m not…”

He squinted at her.

She laughed. “For starters I’m unable to complete a sentence when even talking about it.”

“Why are you so nervous?”

“Because I don’t want to mess things up.”

“You won’t, Isabelle. You couldn’t possibly mess anything up. We could go inside and do whatever you want or we can wait until Warrick is with us. I’ll stop pressuring you until we’ve all spoken, if you’d rather.” He’d rather spend some time kissing her again.

She exhaled a long breath as if relieved. “This is all very new and exciting for me. I don’t know the rules.”

“The rules are what we make them. Warrick and I usually share, although it’s been a spell since we did, and probably why I was so forceful. Sorry if I came on too strong.”

She blushed again. “You didn’t. I liked it. I don’t mind forceful.”