“Not at all.” He stared at her, unable to keep from watching her. Isabelle had the most beautiful bee-stung lips Colton had ever seen. His mouth watered, wanting a taste, but her single-mindedness kept him back. He had wanted her in the worst way since the first time he’d merely seen her at Old West Town, and that had been from a distance.

Up close she was even prettier. Even more desirable.

She still leaned casually against the fence where his horse was corralled. He was especially interested in this unexpected meeting after the surprise phone call from Warrick last night. He’d never heard his friend so excited about a woman before. And now here she was. All alone with him.

Although, today was about business. He needed to keep his cool.

She pushed a final button on her phone and looked up at him, gratitude shaping her features. “Thanks.”

He nodded. “Did you have any trouble finding the place?” he asked, tucking his hands in his front pockets to help him behave.

“No. Not at all.” She pocketed her phone, putting her full attention in his direction. “Thank you for meeting me. I’m hopeful we can come to an agreement that will work for both parties.

I’m certain we can. And for more than just using this property.

He nodded behind him. “Why don’t we head into the house and I’ll show you around. There are five bedrooms upstairs, but only two have their own bathrooms connected, and one’s a Jack and Jill set up between two bedrooms.” He pointed to another building a hundred feet away. “That’s the bunkhouse over there, which sleeps about forty or so barracks style and has its own kitchen, living room, and dining area. You know, if you wanted a sleepover.” He wanted one with her.

“Thanks. I don’t imagine we’d have anyone stay overnight here, but you never know.” Her grin spun his heart into delight. “Perhaps we could tour the kitchen and the rest so I could assess the capacity for serving a big lunch ranch hand style.”

“Sounds great. For my part, I’ll be glad this old place is being used and not abandoned and derelict.”

He showed her the bunkhouse first. Then they moved on to the main ranch house. They toured the kitchen and living areas, but not any bedrooms. They didn’t even go upstairs. Too bad. They walked out of the kitchen to the screened-in back porch, and from there to the barn.

Colton glanced at the hayloft a time or two, but she didn’t seem to notice. She took lots of notes, asked lots of questions about the ranch and how everything worked, and then she strolled out of the structure toward her vehicle.

He hoped they could talk a bit more personally before she left. Like when they could all meet up for a get-together.

Colton couldn’t wait to tell Warrick about today.

After touring the homestead he’d grown up in, she’d been very enthusiastic about having this budding new business together, and also very complimentary about his former home. Colton found her so charming, he wanted to stay within her perfume range, picturing himself nuzzling her neck to seal the deal once the negotiations were over.

“I’ll tell Gray we’re moving forward with this. Will that be all right with you?”

“Sure,” he said, following a few yards back to keep from lurching at her.

“Let me check my messages, and then I’ll be on my way.” She gave him what he considered a particularly engaging smile, and walked over to the corral, phone in hand, tapping on the screen. Unfortunately, she quickly turned all business.

“Take your time.” Colton kept his distance at first, but then reconsidered. He moved a little closer, wanting to stay in her personal space. He decided he needed to make it clear about his future intentions. If she didn’t know how he felt before she left, he’d kick himself all the rest of the day.

Gathering his courage, he strolled daringly close, putting his hands on either side of her shoulders, trapping her in a loose embrace against the fence. Now that his ultimate intentions couldn’t be misconstrued, he waited for her response. Her stare remained focused on the small screen of her phone. He was rather bold, but she didn’t seem upset by his close quarters either.

Colton moved even closer.

“You’re sort of crowding me,” she said, but he could tell by her tone that she wasn’t upset.

So Colton didn’t move away. He inhaled deeply, taking her luscious scent into his lungs.

“Am I? Sorry. With your phone gripped so tightly in your hand like that, I thought you seemed a bit uptight. I wanted to help relax you if I could.”

A sudden shocked stare greeted him when she lifted her head, drilling deeply into his soul when she looked into his eyes. Her gaze, the color of sweet tea, registered deep in his gut, as if he’d gotten punched in the breadbasket during a friendly brawl.