She shrugged. “Oh okay, right. I mostly remember giving Victoria lots of advice on how to get Duke in to bed. Which, in retrospect, worked very well apparently given that they’re now married. Even drunk, the women of Old West Town are impressive.” They both laughed and did a fist bump.

“Well, Duke was the one who not only suggested I take an interest in Warrick that night, he also told me about Colton.”

Jessica crossed her arms again. “So will you be coming to work at all tomorrow night? Perhaps you’ll still be in that meeting with Colton by the time your shift starts in the evening.”

“Very funny.”

She shrugged. “Say the word. I’ll have the night concierge fill in for you.”

Isabelle laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind, but I’m not the kind of girl who fucks on the first date, let alone the first introduction. Although it was a close call earlier in Warrick’s office.”

Jessica’s brows furrowed. “Oh right. That’s me.”

Isabelle giggled. “Who am I kidding? It could very well be me. Like I said before, I might not be here yet if I’d stayed, bolted his office door shut, and talked him into what I really wanted. He was the one who stopped us, I’m embarrassed to say.”

She smiled. “So…is that how you were you going to do it? Barricade yourselves in?”

“Well…lock us in his office, take my shirt off, and recline on his paper-strewn desk. I thought less clothing might have tipped the scale in my favor. My skirt was already virtually hiked up past my business.”

Jessica tilted her head to one side. “Think it would have worked?”

“Maybe. Let’s just say I felt his interest when we kissed.”

“He had a big interest, did he?” she asked with a smirk.


“Good for you. I find huge is the best way to go.”

“Hopefully, one day it will be good for me. Tomorrow? We’ll have to see what happens. Left up to me, though, I might be a little bit bolder since I won’t be late to work if anything gratifying happens.”

Jessica laughed. “Well, now I can’t wait until tomorrow night’s manager meeting.”

Isabelle shook her head and smiled deviously. “As if I’d fuck and tell. Dream on, sister.”

“I don’t need to dream. I’ll see your crimson cheeks and figure it out for myself.”

Isabelle steered the conversation away from her pending love life, hoping Colton was as interested tomorrow as Warrick had seemed to be earlier in the evening. The only other issue at stake was how long they’d be interested.

If she had her way, it would be a very long time.

* * * *

Colton glanced at his watch, swore under his breath, and whistled to his foreman. Eldon turned his head, nodding when Colton signaled he needed to leave the cattle round up.

He had to meet the representative from the Old West Town hotel at the old homestead. Which was on the opposite side of where he was now.

Then again, riding his horse, Thunder, across his ancestral land at breakneck speed gave him a sense of contentment he couldn’t readily explain.

Colton was fortunate enough to have a great piece of property that had been handed down to him from his likeminded family. He loved ranching. He loved roundup. He loved riding at breakneck speed.

He raced all the way to the old homestead like he’d done in his youth. He saw a vehicle in front of the barn and corral. Then he noticed who waited for him. Not Jessica, like he’d expected.

Colton sent a mental thank-you to Gray the moment he saw an extraordinary shade of strawberry blonde hair blowing in the wind. He hadn’t expected the luscious Isabelle Anderson to be his contact in this new venture. She was certainly his first choice, especially after talking to Warrick last night. His friend had a few interesting ideas regarding Isabelle after meeting her in person. Now it was Colton’s turn.

Her back was pressed against the outside of the corral, and she was focused on her phone. He rode up, put Thunder in the corral to cool off, and walked around the outside of the pen to where she waited for him.

“Hi. I hope you haven’t been waiting too long,” he said as a greeting, also putting his hand out. I want to touch you everywhere.

She shook her head and smiled at him. “No. I just got here.” Then she reached out and took his hand, squeezing solidly before letting go to finish up on her phone.

Colton had to force his hand back to his side. It was a good thing he wasn’t riding anymore. He might have slid right out of the saddle and fallen off of his horse.

“Let me finish this text, if you don’t mind,” she said under her breath, her gaze directed at the screen, her thumbs typing quickly.