Page 70 of Harmless Secrets

“I think not, Alicia. Are you telling me you will save me?”

She opened her mouth, but Millicent wasn’t going to listen. As her cousin stood and stepped closer, Alicia saw it there in her eyes. No empathy, no love…and just a little mad. The woman was not playing with a full stack.

Now or never, Ali girl. Take that little bitch down.

With her father’s voice in her head, she reached behind her to grab the gun in her waistband. Her cousin was too quick. Before Alicia could raise her gun, Millicent shot her arm. The hot burn of the bullet forced her to drop the gun. She tumbled to the ground, her head hitting the pavement. She was stunned for a moment, but she rolled and swept her legs under Millicent’s feet. Her cousin screamed as she tumbled to the ground. Fear and anger pumped through Alicia as she rose to her knees and went after her cousin.

Alicia balled up her fist and hit Millicent square in the nose. The sound of bone breaking left her slightly ill as blood spurted.

“You bitch,” Millicent screamed.

She fought her way to her feet, and her cousin realized she’d lost her gun also. Alicia moved to grab her backup gun, when she felt cold metal against her temple.

“Oh, I have dreamed of this for years. I was disappointed that I gave up that Aston Martin and I didn’t even kill you. The best part about all of this is that I will now have all your money.”

Alicia almost opened her mouth to correct her. Bridget would inherit everything. Millicent thought she had succeeded in hiding herself from everyone. With the GPS, Devon and Conner would surely find her soon. Millicent would end up in jail, even if Alicia had to die to get her arrested.

“Stand up,” Millicent ordered. She tugged her up by the shoulder of her shirt.

Alicia tried to think of a way to get to her knife, but with the gun aimed at her head, it was too much to risk. She held her hands up and got up to her feet. When she did, she saw a slight movement out of the corner of her eye. She prayed it was Devon and Conner or she truly was dead.

“Goodbye, Alicia. I really hate to have to do this.”

Alicia refused to give up. She turned and faced her cousin. “Do it this way you cowardly, traitorous bitch.”

Millicent’s mouth tightened as she steadied her arm, leveling the gun at Alicia’s heart. The second before she pulled the trigger, a shot rang out from the left. It hit Millicent square in the chest. She stumbled back and dropped her gun. Blood soaked the white shirt she was wearing.

She fell against the picnic table and then rolled down to the ground. It was as if she were watching some kind of horrible movie in slow motion. Pounding feet came rushing toward her.

Devon reached her first. He grabbed her and shook her until her teeth chattered.

“Don’t you ever fucking do that again!” he yelled. She opened her mouth but found herself crushed against his chest. “Just don’t.”

“How is she?” Conner said.


She blinked, trying to focus on Conner’s grim face. He walked over to Millicent and felt for a pulse.

“Is she alive?” she asked, but her voice sounded weak to her ears.


The sound of sirens grew as lights flooded the area. She tried to swallow and almost choked on bile. The area began to fly by her as if she were on a merry-go-round. She blinked again, trying to focus on something, anything.


“I don’t want to hear it. I can’t believe you left me like that.”

“I don’t want to fight about it. Not right now.”

“That makes two of us.”

“I do need one thing from you,” she said, as uniformed officers filled the area.

“What’s that?” he bit out.

“Don’t let me fall.”