Page 1 of Harmless Secrets


Devon Stryker followed his sister through the stalls at Pike Place and tossed his brother-in-law a nasty look. Micah just smiled as he jostled Alana from one shoulder to the other. His niece giggled. Her beautiful blue eyes danced with happiness as she waved at him. Devon forced himself to smile for her, but once she turned around, he scowled again.

“I can’t believe I let her drag me down here on a Saturday,” Devon muttered.

The amount of tourists and locals was always bad on a Saturday. Being considered one of the place to hit on the waterfront for tourists always made it kind of a madhouse. Today, it was worse. It was one on of those perfect sunny days with mild temperatures and not a cloud in the sky. That meant there was a sea of people rolling through the popular waterfront market. It was something Devon always tried to avoid. He really hated people in general, but add in a tourist attraction, he was ready to punch the next person who asked him for directions.

Micah strode through the crowd, his gaze taking in the multitude of people as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Devon knew better. Micah always knew where Dee was and who was around him. Still, Devon kept a keen eye on the little cap his sister wore. It was bright red and easy to see. If he didn’t keep his gaze on it, he knew they would lose her.

“You’re the one who mentioned it would be fun,” Micah said. The amusement in this tone was unmistakable.

Being reminded of his stupidity didn’t make Devon feel any better. He turned to say something to Micah, but an annoying middle-aged man barreled between them. Devon ground his teeth and tried not to growl.

“No. I said she would have fun. Not we. That girl never did listen to me.”

Micah chuckled. “She listened. She just chose to ignore you.”

“As her husband, you’re the one who is supposed to control her. Isn’t that what your lifestyle is about?”

“That’s not the way I like to control her.”

Devon shook his head as he continued to follow Dee through the market. He would have never picked a man like Micah for Dee. He was part owner of a BDSM club in Hawaii and came from a rough background. Still, the Native American Dom had turned into a devoted husband and father. A brother couldn’t find fault with a man who clearly worshiped the ground Dee walked on.

“Ugh, that’s not something I wanted to think about.”

“Then you shouldn’t have brought it up, son.”

Pushing those thoughts aside, Devon hurried on to catch up to Dee and find out just where she was going.

“Hey, lady, slow down. Where are you going?” he asked.

Dee turned to face him. She looked different than when he’d found her. Her blonde hair was now back to her natural brunette, and she had a roundness to her only a mother could claim. And she was happy. So freaking happy that she was smiling up at him when he felt like screaming.

“I heard about this place over here for lunch. I wanted to see if they had seats.”

He glanced at Micah, who stepped up beside him. “Might as well give in, Dev. She’s only going to complain if we don’t go.”

“And it is only going to get worse as this pregnancy progresses,” Devon said. “She blackmails us to do what she wants.”

Micah shrugged. “I’m happy to be blackmailed by my beautiful bride.”

Dee laughed. “And that’s why I love you, Mr. Ross.”

She leaned up on her tiptoes and gave Micah a kiss, then kissed Alana on the cheek.

“Just face it, Devon, you’re stuck down here for the day. Make the most of it.” Then she kissed him on the cheek. “And if you complain again, I promise to call you every time I have a craving for Hawaiian ice.”

That was a very real threat. His sister had gone through some wicked cravings during her last trimester with Alana, not to mention the mood swings. He didn’t want to be anywhere in sight when that happened.

He nodded. “Let’s go.”

He turned to follow her again and that’s when he heard it. A lyrical laugh, a bit rusty, and still as seductive. It was as sweet as it was sultry and it sunk beneath his flesh. It was one that he had heard only once or twice years ago. He knew it was her, knew she was there. He scanned the crowd around him as everything—noises and people—dissolved away. Devon walked away from Dee and her family as he sought out the woman who still haunted his dreams.

The crush of people seemed to grow, as he tried his best to move toward the sound. He pushed against a few people, ignoring the curses and the dirty looks. Devon growled in frustration. He knew exactly where the sound had originated, but now, he couldn’t seem to get there. It was as if a wall of people had been erected to keep him away. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he kept his gaze focused on that same area.

Then, in a split instant, he saw her. At first, he wasn’t sure it was her. Her hair was longer and darker, and she was dressed down. It had been over four years so he knew there was a chance he was imagining the connection. Then, she turned enough so he could see the curve of her jaw. Watching her walk, he knew it was her.

It was the woman he had been fantasizing about for four years.