“Stay?” His head moved from her neck. He stared at her intently.

“With me. Tonight.” She focused in on his beautiful brown eyes to entice him.

In response, he lowered his head and kissed her again. Like he couldn’t help it. Or perhaps he needed a moment to think about her offer. She broke the kiss, adding, “I’ll make it worth your while. I promise.”

He laughed. A low and darkly sensual sound escaped his throat. “Trust me. It’s already been worth my while.”

“So does that mean your answer is yes?” Please. Please. Please.

“I’d love to stay with you tonight, however—”

The sudden, buzz of his phone vibrating in his pants interrupted the reason why he was probably about to turn her down.

Chapter Two

Enclave Inn manager’s office

“Shit. I’m late,” Seth Dawson said aloud to his empty office. A glance at his watch had forced the curse from his lips. He shoved the plans for his Old West Town pet project back into its folder and slapped it back into the top drawer of his desk.

Garrett would give him grief all night if he didn’t hurry his ass up. He had stopped at the Enclave motel he owned to talk to his night manager and set up the bridal suite for their use tonight.

Then he’d promptly gotten sidetracked with the updated plans already underway at Old West Town. Despite the enormous workload, he’d enjoyed creating this new venture. The plans were coming along very well. The long hours invested would be worth it. But the added pressure was taking a toll.

Tonight was supposed to be for playing, reducing stress levels, and not for working. It had been months since he and Garrett had sought out anyone for a night of wickedly satisfying ménage pleasures. Months, as it turned out, was way too long.

With that long overdue premise, they’d planned to fit in a night even though they were both insanely busy. Truthfully, he’d been looking forward to it all week. He needed to relax and take the edge off his supreme tension level.

Meanwhile, Garrett’s new banking endeavor in Enclave was going very well. He was truly proud of his success, but starting up the business after he’d already taken over and started managing another bank a couple hours away in Miser, Montana took mountains of time and energy. Garrett had to be as tired as he was or even more so.

A trip to the afterhours party scheduled tonight at the Old West Town saloon was exactly what they needed to unwind. They’d find and entertain one of many suitable and available women at the party who understood what they liked in the bedroom.

After tonight’s sexual romp, and with any luck, the tension headache he’d grown to live with on a day-to-day basis would fade to a manageable level.

He retrieved his phone, poised to dial and let Garrett know he was on the way. But his part-time night manager, Ryan, came through the employees-only door and into the back office.

“Just to let you know,” the polite young man said, “The bridal suite has been booked for the next three nights.”

Seth frowned. Fuck. He and Garrett had planned on using the room later when they found a suitable date for the evening.

“Really? So we’re full up again tonight?”

Ryan nodded. “Except for the five water-damaged rooms that aren’t ready to be occupied yet.”

Seth closed his eyes. He’d hoped those would be back in service today.

“When will those rooms be ready?”

“The day manager said maybe tomorrow or the next day, he’s not sure. The contractor hasn’t given the okay yet. I think there’s a final inspection on the electrical work, or something like that, remaining.”

“Right. Okay. Thanks, Ryan.” There had been a water leak plaguing his business for a couple of weeks. Now it had ruined his ménage sex plans. Making a mental note to call both the manager and the contractor first thing tomorrow morning—or better yet, after lunch, if they got lucky tonight—Seth turned his attention back to his phone. If they got lucky, they’d have to find another place to do so.

Ryan returned to the front desk, as Seth dialed Garrett’s number. He answered on the fourth and final ring, which was unlike him. Usually, the first ring wasn’t complete before his best friend picked up.