“Sorry,” she said, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “I didn’t see that question coming.”

“I’m so sorry, Lilianna. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. It’s something that’s been on my mind all day.”

“No. No. It’s okay. I’ll answer.” She glanced around the room once surreptitiously. “I’ve been there to watch a few times, but not to perform.”

Jessica stared at her blush. “Was it exciting?”

Lilianna nodded and a knowing smile shaped her lips. “Very much so.”

“Did you know the trio performing?”

Another blush accompanied her nod. “Yep.”

“Is it difficult if you ever meet them in person later on?”

She shook her head. “Actually, no. I guess I separate it in my head. It’s simply sexy good fun. Great for the trio. Fun to watch. Also very fun to recreate what you see with your own men.” She shrugged. “Not difficult.”

“I wish I could watch one before doing it.”

Lilianna smiled. “Well then, you’re in luck. I heard there might be someone there tonight. Check it out and see for yourself.”

Jessica soon felt her own cheeks heat up. That wouldn’t work. She was fairly certain the someone who might be performing tonight was her and her two men. Maybe. If she had enough nerve.

Lilianna and Jessica stared at each other for a silent count of ten. Jessica didn’t want to say anything. Lilianna seemed to get it without her saying a word.

“I see,” Lilianna said. Jessica was so grateful she understood without any words spoken. “Okay then. I’ll say this. If you do decide to go, don’t worry. You’ll never know if anyone is watching.”

“Why haven’t you ever done it?”

Lilianna shrugged. “My husbands are afraid to push me into something I’m not ready for. They told me if I ever wanted to do it, they’d make it happen. I’ve been happy with the way things are. Maybe I’m in a rut, but I like my rut. If I change my mind and want a walk on the wild side, I know it’s available to me.”

“I don’t suppose I could talk you into walking on the wild side tonight in the interest of me being a big baby?”

She laughed. “That would certainly take Hunter and Dylan off guard.” Her gaze went to the ceiling as if she seriously contemplated it. “Tell you what. I’ll think about it.”

“I’m sort of kidding. I’m still a big baby, but I’d never pressure you into something like this. Besides Seth and Garrett won’t make me do anything I don’t want to do either.”

Lilianna shrugged. “Please. You aren’t pressuring me. Just like my men don’t pressure me. But the more I think about it the more I might want to take that walk on the wild side and get out of my rut for a night. I know they want to do it. Maybe it’s time to shake things up.”

“If you want to shake things up that’s fine. Are you okay knowing that I will most likely be watching?”

“Absolutely. I’d hate to think I was all alone there after gathering up my nerve to get in there.”

“Then I’ll simply say to you, I’ll probably be there but don’t count on it.”

Lilianna laughed. “Thanks. My men will be very happy. And then you’ll be off the hook this time. Although, I expect you to invite me if you ever give up being a big baby.”

Jessica laughed. “I promise that I’ll tell you even before I tell Seth and Garrett.”

After lunch, Jessica called Seth to tell him that she’d rather watch a round house show once before performing one. He didn’t even sound disappointed. “Not a problem.”

When she arrived home, Garrett told her that they were still going to the round house, but only to watch.

“There’s still a show tonight?” Jessica asked, pretending she didn’t know exactly who was performing.

“Yes. In fact, there might even be two different shows tonight.”

“Two different ones?”

“That’s the word on the street.”

She giggled. “The word on the street, huh?”

“After we declined, someone else volunteered. Then a second trio heard about the show, and wanted to perform, as well.”