“Also, all three of us will have to ride in the front seat. I’m not allowed to put anyone in the back unless they’re under arrest.”

Jessica glanced at Victoria and said quickly, “I call shotgun.”

“No problem.” Victoria looked at Duke, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, and said, “Guess I’ll have to squeeze in close between the two of you. Sounds cozy.”

Duke didn’t say a word, but Jessica thought his jaw might have tightened a bit. Whether in unrequited lust or utter frustration, she couldn’t tell.

Chapter Fifteen

Garrett made it home first as he usually did, but today was different. Jessica would be coming home from her first day of work. He was anxious to discover how her first day on the job went.

In fact, he’d hardly been able to think clearly at the bank because Jessica been on his mind all day long. It wasn’t like him to be so unfocused. Especially over his love life. The silent admission of even having a love life was also a foreign issue in the daily mix of typical subjects on his mind.

Jessica had called him a few moments ago to tell him that Duke had found her car. She asked if she could hide it at their house for a little while. He agreed and gave her the numeric punch code for the call box so she could get through the compound gate. He’d never before trusted any woman enough to simply give her the code. Seriously, he was off the rails with this relationship. And he liked it.

After work, he’d picked up a few groceries for a simple dinner tonight, putting them away in anticipation of Jessica being on her way soon.

Deciding he wanted the same dessert that they’d shared last night, Garrett didn’t pick up anything sweet to go with the steaks, baked potatoes, and salad mix. Licking her to multiple orgasms would be sweet enough to satisfy him after dinner and into the evening.

Jessica filling his mind all day wasn’t a bad thing, Garrett decided, anticipating the coming night. He was eager to continue stretching her for the double penetration sex she told them she was anxious for. While he was also anxious, the anticipation of that delight would be well worth the wait. It would make their first time as a threesome all the sweeter once she was completely ready.

The phone rang, jarring his salacious thoughts of double penetration ménage sex.


“It’s Kendall.”

“What’s up?”

“There is a woman at the gate wanting entrance. She said to call you.” Kendall Forrester was the sheriff over at Old West Town, and the CEO of the business there. He was also the designated guy in charge of security for their private compound. A chore he took very seriously.

“Is it Jessica?”

“Yes. That’s the name she gave.”

“Let her in. I gave her the punch code. Why didn’t she use it?”

“She couldn’t. Clay’s in town this week. He and I are upgrading the gate call box with new software for tighter security.” Clay was Kendall’s brother. He ran protection and security for a group called the Double Rider Men’s Club down in Ryder, Colorado.

Clay was a good guy, also a computer genius, and a man who took security to a whole other dimension in comparison to his brother. Clay likely would have simply turned Jessica away from the compound with a menacing growl. He had a reputation.

Although, with Clay’s recent marriage to a kick-ass chick named Angelica, perhaps he’d softened his attitude. Kendall had also softened a bit after marring his new wife, Jocelyn.

Was that was marriage did, soften a man? Was that a bad thing? Maybe not. Garrett considered the idea of marrying Jessica. Shockingly, full-blown panic didn’t immediately sink all the way to the marrow of his bones.

“So who is this woman?” Kendall asked, disrupting Garrett’s unusual foray into the finer points of marriage.

Suspicion coated his friend’s tone, not surprisingly, however, Garrett wasn’t prepared to share Jessica or his newfound relationship with her to the world yet. “She’s someone I know. Also, she works for Gray in Old West Town.”

Kendall sounded very surprised when he asked, “She’s the new manager at the expansion hotel in Old West Town?”
