Then a forgotten memory came speeding through her brain like a bike messenger with a vital package to deliver. Chucky was a huge tightwad when it came to spending his own money. On the other hand, he was amazingly good at saying “nothing but the best” when it came to wine, food, outings, shows, pretty much anything, whenever someone else was picking up the tab.

She laughed to herself. He’d never spend his own money on hiring someone to rifle through her things. He’d either find a way to do it himself or…

Jessica paused in mid thought. He’d do it himself, or what? Unless he could find a way to get someone else to pay for it. Like a slush fund. Or better yet, access to a petty cash fund. Like the one she herself used to be in charge of back when she still worked for Barrington House hotels.

“What are you thinking?” Garrett interrupted her suddenly concerned reverie.

“Something has occurred to me.”

“What? Are you worried about having time to shower after we make love one more time? Not to worry, I’ll be quick.” He stared deeply into her eyes like he wanted to caress her soul.

Garrett, who professed to be a permanent bachelor, always gazed at her as if she were the answer to all his desires. Every. Single. Time.

Chucky, on the other hand, never once glanced at her with any look of longing. His stamp collection, though, that beat-up wooden box garnered every last bit of his capacity for enthusiasm.

Garrett broke her foolish reverie. “So what do you say? Sex then shower? Or shower then sex? Either way works for me.”

She glanced at the clock. “Quick or not, we don’t have time to get clean and satisfy your insatiable libido. Even if we had sex while we showered.”

“Great idea. We can take a shower together and get ready for dinner. It will save time and water.”

She grinned. “I doubt it. Once water is cascading over us, and the steam rises up, I’ll bet we won’t save a bit of time or water. The last time I was in a water-filled scene with you, there was wildly stimulating sex involved. It wasn’t fast.”

“Fine. You’re probably right. Me and my insatiable libido could give you a break—sexually speaking, that is—and simply suds you up, wash your hair, spank your ass and send you out the shower door.”

“That’s right. You never spanked my butt last night. You owe me.” Jessica contemplated that for a few minutes. “Okay. But if I wanted it, you’d take me against the shower wall, right? And you’d go fast, right?”

“Of course. I’m not an idiot. Just giving you the option of a break from my endless sexual demands. You’re under no obligation to take the breather. And…I swear I’ll be as fast as I can after you come.”

She laughed and kissed his mouth. That led to an even more engaging kiss. Once they got to the shower, she let him soap her body and wash her hair, but decided to wait until after dinner for her sexual dessert. She whispered in Garrett’s ear that she wanted the three of them together. He nibbled her lobe for a moment and agreed wholeheartedly. “Anticipation it is.”

Once they were dried, dressed, and ready to face the world again, Garrett called Seth for an update on his crisis at the motel.

He hung up his phone. “Seth has another hour to go. He’ll meet us at the restaurant. Meanwhile, I’ll take you to the sheriff’s station for a quick visit.”

“Excellent. I hope the lead pans out. I hate not having a car at my disposal.”

“What kind of car is it? I don’t even know.”

“Maxima. You know, the four-door sports car.” She grinned. She loved her car.

Garrett drove her to the sheriff’s station and led her directly into Duke’s office inside.

Duke smiled and stood up from behind his desk as they approached. “Good to see you.”

“I’m glad it’s under better circumstances than the last two times we met.”

“Me too.” He turned to Garrett. “Why don’t you wait outside, Garrett? I’ll show Jessica the pictures she came to see, and we’ll let you know when we’re done with our ‘official’ business.”

Garrett grinned. “As if I’d leave her alone with you. Nice try, sheriff lothario.”