“That is not my intention. Trust me when I say that I also have lots of unsettled lust where you are concerned. If it hadn’t been for the break-in, I believe we’d be having an entirely different conversation right now.”

She smiled, but the amusement didn’t reach her eyes. “You’re probably right. But since we aren’t having another conversation, I take it as a big sign to consider my options carefully. I don’t want to make another mistake with my love life. The last one cost me everything.”

“If you’re looking for me to express some sort of long-term commitment, or to give you a hard and fast date where I won’t want to see you anymore. I’m not able to do that right now. Honestly, I don’t know that anyone could.” He moved forward to press into her, but she stepped out of his path. Why was he so cold when it came to permanent relationships? Because Gina fooled you so completely, a voice in his head whispered. You never saw Gina’s duplicity coming, but you should have.

“That’s too bad.” She turned toward the office and started walking.

“Where are you going?”

“To the motel’s office to see about getting another room.”

Chapter Ten

Seth raced into the lobby of his Enclave Inn headed toward the desk, not expecting to see Jessica and Garrett already there.

Before he realized their body language was troubled, he said, “I heard what happened. Are you okay?” He was about to kiss Jessica’s cheek, but the look in her eyes told him not to make the attempt for fear of swift retribution.

He cleared his throat and backed off a little.

“I’m fine,” she responded in a tone that didn’t warm his heart.

His evening desk manager, Ryan, stood silently behind the desk, looking like he’d rather be anyplace else in the world but right here. This was yet another clue that things were amiss.

Seth signaled that he could leave, and Ryan bolted through the employees only door like his ass was lit on fire.

“I talked to Duke out in the parking lot on the way inside. He told me one of the rooms was vandalized and mentioned that you’d called him.”

Garrett gave him a positively sinister look of aggravation, and said, “I did.” His troubled gaze went to Jessica. “Her room was broken into and destroyed.”

Jessica stared at the floor, not speaking at all. She looked for all the world like she’d just lost her last friend on earth.

Seth turned to Garrett with a what the fuck is going on expression. Garrett shook his head as if to say I don’t know what the fuck is going on. But a second look said he did.

He changed tactics, asking Garrett, “What are your initial thought? Kids looking for quick and easy stuff to sell or more angry destruction?”

Garrett straightened. “It looked to me like someone was searching for something. Since the whole place was practically destroyed, I don’t think the perpetrator found what he was looking for.”

Jessica looked up suddenly. “You sound like a cop,” she said. At least her tone sounded more civil.

Garrett stared at her with an unusual expression. “I used to be a prosecutor.”

“Oh? What do you do now? I don’t even know.” Her tone was accusatory. Seth took it to mean that they’d had a fight of some sort. He could certainly guess what it had been about.

“I own and manage the Enclave Bank. Plus, I own the First National Savings and Loan of Miser, Montana a couple of hours away.”

“Interesting. I opened an account at your Enclave Bank today. I even got a safety-deposit box. In fact, while I’ve got your undivided attention, I’d like to commend the employee who helped me. Her name is Abigail.”

“Thanks. Abby is my best employee.”

She glanced at her watch. “Don’t you have to hurry back because your lunch hour is over already?” She crossed her arms. “Sorry you didn’t get the ‘nooner’ you were after.”

“I’m sorry, too. But not for that. And no, I don’t have to hurry. Since I own the place, and I’m in charge of everything, I can come and go as I please.”

She sent a gaze in his direction. “Right. Because being the boss is great, isn’t it, Seth? You own more than one business, isn’t that right? Quite the entrepreneur, aren’t you?” The accusation in her tone was clear.