Around them, people stopped talking. A hush came over the room. When the kiss broke, she noticed several people had stopped in mid forkful to watch them.

The waitress approached with total shock in her expression. She looked from Garrett to Jessica and back again as a curious grin spread across her face. “Get anything for you, Garrett?” she finally asked.

“Just her check, please.” He turned to look at Jessica. “She and I have lots of”—he paused as if for dramatic impact—“plans to make. Don’t we?”

Jessica nodded and grinned. He kissed her again. The moment the waitress brought the check, he tossed a twenty on it. “Keep the change.”

The waitress gave them both a wide smile of appreciation. “Thanks. Have a great day.”

Garrett ushered her outside, with his arm cradling her shoulders.

“My car is parked in the diner parking lot,” she said.

“Mine, too.”

“Should we move them?” She didn’t want to take the time.

“No. They should be okay here for a little while. I have to go back to work in an hour, but I thought perhaps we could go to your motel room and…chat.”

“Chat? About our plans tonight for dinner?”

“Exactly.” He grinned. “And maybe a couple of other things.”

“All right. We can go chat about our plans and whatever you want.” Jessica wouldn’t mind a repeat performance of last night. Maybe they could call Seth once they got to her room. Maybe he’d like to chat, too. Garrett took her hand, sliding his fingers between her in a solid grip as they strolled in the direction of the bridal suite.

They walked all the way to her room hand in hand like newlyweds. She was grateful the plush room was the one she’d ended up with last night. Even if it hadn’t started out that way.

She paused at the door before opening it. “I guess I should ask…what are we going to chat about? Or perhaps the better question is, what are your intentions?”

Garrett moved in behind her nudging his thickening cock against her butt. “I’m thinking about stripping you naked and recreating my favorite position from last night. What do you say?” I’d say you’re reading my mind. A very good sign.

“Well, since I’m celebrating my new job and everything, that would be a perfect addition to my afternoon.”

She pulled out her key card and opened the door. She turned to lead Garrett inside. One step through the door and she saw the mini fridge door hanging lopsided from its hinges and open. Crushed empty bottles littered the stained, wet entryway floor.

Someone had broken into her room and destroyed every inch of it.

Unfortunate, because this development screamed big bad sign.

Chapter Nine

Garrett launched forward and grabbed her around the waist. He pulled her out of the room, allowing the door to slam behind them. In seconds his phone was in hand, dialing the Enclave sheriff.

Every stick of furniture he could see from the front door was either out of place, turned upside down, on its side, or broken. As he grabbed her, Garrett noticed the smashed doors leading to the bathroom, and saw only further chaos and devastation there. Seth was going to be royally pissed.

Duke Stanton answered, “Hello,” before the first ring completed.

“Duke, it’s Garrett. There’s been a break-in at the Enclave motel.”

“Break-in? At the office?”

“No, inside the bridal suite.”

“What are you doing in the bridal suite?”

Garrett pushed out a deep sigh. “Just get over here.”

He didn’t laugh, but Duke’s tone sounded amused when he said, “I’m on my way.”

Jessica stood beside him, trembling. Tears filled her eyes, and spilled over onto her cheeks the moment she blinked.

Garrett pulled her into his arms. “Don’t worry. It’s going to be okay. Good news is, no one was in there when it happened.”

“True. But why would anyone do it at all?”

“Don’t know, don’t care.” He squeezed her tighter. He was so grateful she hadn’t been in her room or alone when this happened.

“Bad news. Bad sign,” she mumbled against his collar.

“You don’t have to stay there anymore.”