Seth suddenly remembered something Garrett had mentioned this morning as they discussed Jessica and possible reasons why she’d leave without a leaving a note or saying good-bye.

Garrett said that she had been spurned by her ex-fiancé and that last night—the night they’d all spent together in wild wicked abandon—was supposed to be her wedding night.

Interesting information and also possibly answered the reason why she’d been more willing to do wild and crazy things with two men last night as opposed to any other run of the mill night. He’d been grateful. That shouldn’t change.

Seth could also ask her right now what her intentions were, but he was too busy kissing her.

She suddenly broke the kiss and stepped back. “Now see? This is the real reason I can’t work for you. I’d want to put my mouth on you every time you came into the room. It would not bring about good employee morale.”

“Nonsense. I’ve been trying to encourage and promote a friendlier office environment. Trust me, this will work perfectly for me.”

“Very funny.”

“Thanks. I do my best.”

“Seriously though, I’m not certain this arrangement is going to work out for a number of reasons.”

“I disagree.”

She huffed. “You’re just remembering me naked.”

He grinned. “I am a man. It is what we do. Doesn’t mean that little mental vision should stop you from working here.”

Her expression softened. She wanted this job, needed it even, and he wanted her to stay. “Try it for a little while,” he said in a low tone.


“Let’s try you working here for a little while. Then you’ll see for yourself that you will rarely see me at all here at this facility, and that it will work out perfectly fine.”

“How little of a time should this trial period be?”

“Give it a month. When the doors open and the guests begin staying here, my part will be over for the most part. Gray will be the general manager, and I’ll go back to being the silent majority stockholder of this enterprise.”

“What if someone finds out about us?”

He shrugged. “What if they do? Who will care?”

“Other employees not getting preferential treatment.”

“What makes you think you’ll be getting any preferential treatment? I plan to work your ass off.” He grinned at her, thinking about the office she was about to have. It was a premium space. With a large desk. Speaking of her lovely derriere, he could already picture sweeping her work surface clean to do her there. Stop it.

“Well, I’m hoping that what we did together last night hasn’t been a regular practice with all the other female employees that have been hired on.”

He allowed his smile to fade. “It hasn’t, Jessica. I promise. Besides, Garrett found you first. I was simply lucky enough to be invited into the threesome. Besides, you already had the job before we ever met or had wild amazing sex. I delegated the hiring to Gray. He gave you the job, not me.” He cupped her face in his palm. “And for the record, I’ll never be sorry we met last night. Not ever.”

Her voice softened. “Why’s that?”

“Because it was spectacular, don’t you think?”

“Yes. For me it was amazing, but I’ve never been with two men before. I didn’t know if I measured up. And also part of the real reason I didn’t go out of my way to wake you this morning. You know, just in case I was a dud sexually, you could escape without having to pretend to like me before running far, far away.”

“Trust me, you not only measured up, you set the bar.”

“Don’t tell me that I’ve ruined you for all other women.”


“I don’t believe it.”

“But you’ll still meet us for dinner tonight, right? That way we can further convince you that you should hang with us for a while.”

“Another trial period?”

“If you want.”

She sighed and finally nodded. “Okay. I will have dinner with the both of you.”

“Great. You won’t be disappointed. We’ll meet you at your hotel room around seven thirty, okay?”