“A rival? Mr. Barrington is your rival?”

“No. Not mine. The owner of this hotel enterprise and Mr. Barrington had a good-natured rivalry quite a long time ago, back in college I think, but it’s nothing to worry about now.”

Jessica was intrigued to discover what else was being said about her former employer. “So…what have you heard with regard to why I was let go?”

“I’ve heard everything from drug bust in the flagship hotel that you didn’t know about but should have, to a prostitution ring spanning several states that you helped instigate and run.”

She rolled her eyes in disbelief of what people would come up with as false gossip fodder. “Well, I can tell you that those two rumors are completely untrue.”

He grinned. “I figured as much.”

Jessica was always surprised by what blatant stories people came up with in the face of not having any information. Had anyone heard of what “really” happened to her and why she was let go? Surely all of the attendees of the meeting—where her ex Chucky strolled in unannounced to blurt out his new status as baby daddy to the boss man’s daughter—hadn’t kept their mouths shut for very long.

“The most recent story circulating in various hotel-motel gossip circles, and the one I believe most accurate, is that Mr. Barrington’s new son-in-law usurped your position by virtue of his marrying the old man’s only daughter. If that’s true then I guess nepotism is alive and well in the industry. However, that’s his tragic loss for being so foolish and old fashioned about his hiring practices.”

Jessica felt her face go hot. He’d hit the nail on the head. The part about her causing the nepotism—by falling for a sneaky con artist who’d successfully invaded her life and tricked her into believing she was worthy of love—was hopefully left out of the gossip circles he’d mentioned. Her ex had used her to get closer to his true target, Madeline Barrington.

All this pain and suffering was a result of Jessica simply wanting more of a regular life beyond her all-consuming job and a solid happy marriage to combine with it. Her foolish dreams to work a bit less, date a bit more, and finally seek her own happily ever after had ultimately cost her everything.

Then again, perhaps worse lies were being told regarding the gossip of her personal tragedy. Maybe it was best to hide her head in the sand as to further gossip.

An intercom buzzed and the secretary’s voice came through, distracting him from her embarrassment. “The boss man said to tell you he’s on the way to your office.”

“Thanks, Hannah,” Mr. Bishop said after pushing a button

Jessica turned toward the door until she could take a breath and control her raging emotions regarding the subject of her being let go from her previous job. Would she ever think about that part of her life without shame coursing through her body?

Mr. Bishop came from behind his desk headed for the door. “The owner and CEO of this project should be here any minute to meet you. I told him I already planned to offer you the job.”

Jessica calmed her raging nerve. I have the job. I have the job. My life’s not over. Things are looking up. Try to be happy.

The distinct sound of a door opening at the end of the hall and leading into this office resonated. She heard whistling, as if someone was already having a bright and cheery day. He was the boss, why wouldn’t he be having a great day.

“That’s him now. And the whistling is a good sign. He hasn’t done that in a while,” Mr. Bishop said with amusement in his tone, winking at her once. He ushered her forward as someone strolled into the room. Someone she recognized.

“Jessica Hoyt,” Mr. Bishop said, “Meet the owner and the guy who signs our paychecks, Seth Dawson. Seth, meet your new day manager, Jessica.”

Chapter Seven

Seth stared into the shocked eyes of the woman he’d been thinking about all morning long, resisting the sincere urge to shout, “Holy fuck, it’s you!”

He’d woken abruptly, when Garrett’s phone alarm went off, signaling he needed to head to work. Noticing quickly that she was not only gone from bed, but also from the motel room, put him on edge, as she’d left nothing behind. They’d discussed briefly what their next plan was. She’d agreed to have dinner with them, but earlier this morning they’d been unsure they’d be able to keep that date, if she’d bolted for parts unknown.