“He grabbed the phone, listened for two seconds, said like three words, and hung up, declaring it was vitally important he take care of something in town.”

“He left you there?” Jessica asked.

“He did. In fact, he was out of there so fast my brown paper bag spun, can you believe it? Worst of all, he also left me there with wild, pulsing, unfulfilled desire all the way to my bones. I thought this was going to be it. My big chance to get in Duke Stanton’s pants. But no. I was foiled again.

“I swear if that man ever lets go, he’ll devour whatever woman he’s with.” Victoria had then pushed out a long sigh.

“And you so want to be that woman,” Jessica had said.

“You got that right. I try and I try, but I’m starting to lose faith that it will ever happen. Or worse, that I’ll somehow miss my chance.”

“I’ll think good thoughts that Duke will come around and realize what he’s missing out on. Because I think you might be the one doing the devouring if Duke ever gives you the littlest chance.”

“That’s the truth.”

Watching Duke now, hat in hand, his expression exactly like he wanted to ask for forgiveness, Jessica wondered if Victoria’s big chance was about to unfold before her eyes.

Jessica watched Duke’s mouth closely. She couldn’t hear his words, but she did her best to read his lips. “I wanted to say I’m sorry for earlier.” That’s good.

Victoria said something she missed, but Duke nodded and smiled at whatever she said.

“It was…something…of you to bring me lunch.” Nice?

Her friend’s head tilted to one side, she rose on her tip toes, leaned in and kissed Duke’s cheek, crushing his hat between them.

Jessica got a good look at Duke’s face. His expression was the very definition of lust filled. It was so obvious that he wanted her. His hands abandoned his hat. As Victoria drew away from him, his hat fell sideways on the floor. Duke pressed forward. His face was suddenly buried at her neck, his arms wrapped around her back like he was squeezing the air out of her lungs. And best of all, it looked like he was kissing her with the idea that sex would be next on his agenda.

Victoria clasped her arms around his neck as Duke kicked his hat out from between them, allowing it to fly to one side, abandoned. One of Victoria’s legs lifted and wrapped around his hip.

Duke slid his hand along her bare thigh, caressing her skin slowly. Eventually his fingers disappeared beneath the hem of her short robe. Jessica thought she heard one of them moan, but couldn’t tell which of them it was.

Clearly, Victoria wasn’t wearing anything under the robe, if Duke’s reaction to hugging her was any indication. He fairly melded his body into hers from shoulders to hips. His hand slid from one ass cheek up her spine, drawing the short silky robe up and revealing her nakedness as his hand rose higher.

Like a voyeur unable to stop herself, Jessica parted the door open a little wider. Victoria groaned this time, they parted from the waist up and stared at each other for a long pause.

Duke, his gaze riveted to Victoria’s face, made the first move. He slowly pressed forward, planting his lips across her mouth. Then the volcanic kissing started. They clung to one another, devouring each other before her very interested eyes.

Jessica’s mouth watered as they consumed one another. Rubbing their bodies together, arms roving wildly over each other’s torsos, Victoria and Duke looked like they were about to drop and go for it. Wouldn’t that be exciting to watch?

Jessica found herself cheering for that exact thing. As they rubbed hard against each other and their lips and tongues gnawed each other’s faces, all of a sudden Victoria’s robe—barely hanging on her frame anyway—decided to peel away.

Duke stopped the kiss, looked down at Victoria’s naked chest with admiration. The look in his eyes was the very definition of craving. Victoria said something like, “Do you like what you see?” Without answering, he lowered his head, latching his lips around the tip of one pert nipple, sucking on her to answer her question.

Victoria’s head fell back slightly. As if they’d choreographed it in advance, Victoria’s leg slid down his leg, he released her nipple, and they were both unbuttoning his shirt. Victoria moved to his pants, unbuckling his belt, unzipping his fly, and finally pulling the fabric away from what looked like a very impressive cock. Good for her.