She pushed out a long breath, trying desperately not to give into the tears ready to burst forth and drench the situation. “What’s the name of the lawyer you’re recommending?”

“Jack Gallagher. He’s a very good friend of mine. And an excellent defense attorney. “

“Is he a shark?”


“What about the prosecutor? What’s he like?”

“Warrick Harper is pretty much a hard ass of the first order. Although I was surprised to find out he’s mixed up in this matter. Usually, he doesn’t get involved unless it’s a serious felony case. I’m assuming Mr. Barrington has pulled a few strings with his influential friends to make this happen. But that’s just a guess.”

“I see.” Jessica sniffed all of a sudden, wishing this day were already over and hoping she wouldn’t be looking through prison bars by nightfall. She’d done her best to be prepared for this eventuality, but in the face of it was suddenly having doubts. “What will happen if you find what you’re looking for in my safe deposit box?”

“Let’s not worry about it until we get to the bank, okay?”

“What about my lawyer? I need to call him, don’t I?” She looked up into Duke’s comforting expression.

“Thing is, I already called him and told him to meet us at the bank when they open.” They stared at each other for a few second, her trying to coral her emotions, him letting her get hold of herself for as long as she needed.

“Thanks so much, Duke. I’m so glad you’re my friend.” A tear of gratitude slipped over the edge of one lower eyelid, dropping to her cheek with a warm splash. Without commenting, Duke smiled comfortingly, wiped the foolish teardrop away with his thumb, and gestured for her to get in the front seat.

Jessica slipped into the cruiser, refusing to waste another iota of sadness or fear on Chucky and his idiotic machinations. From the moment he’d called her outright, demanding his stupid stamp collection back, she’d been developing a plot of her own.

In fact, her secret plan was already well underway. Jessica sent a text to the person she’d been working with before Duke drove away. She was also grateful that she’d established so many good friends at the outset of her arrival here in Montana.

Chucky was in for a surprise if he expected her to lay down to let him screw her over one last time.

Chapter Twenty

Garrett came into the bank by way of the back door five minutes before it opened, whistling in delightful memory of the decadent night he’d shared with Seth and Jessica in bed. It only confirmed his already ardent feelings regarding Jessica and their future together.

A few days ago, he and Seth had decided to officially propose. Tomorrow was going to be the big day. He couldn’t wait.

The ring they’d selected was carefully hidden at home. A bottle of champagne was chilling in the wine fridge. They’d arranged for a quiet romantic night alone together. Again, he couldn’t wait.

Crossing the busy flurry of bank employees readying for their day, Garrett noticed a large crowd at the front doors waiting to enter. Odd. He would have normally just kept going, but one of the men waiting caught his eyes. Was that Clayton Forrester standing head and shoulders above the crowd? What on earth was he doing here? Next to him, Hunter stood, looking agitated. Intrigued, Garrett noted a few more familiar faces.

Darting his gaze to other members of the entourage, he saw Duke looking like he was pressed and headed for court. Standing next to him was his best friend, Jack Gallagher, a defense lawyer. Also in the group was the local prosecutor, Warrick Harper, a pregnant woman, two other men wearing expensive suits, and nestled in the center of the bunch was…Jessica? Shit. Now what?

Garrett changed his direction mid-stride, heading for the front doors to greet the assembled crowd as they entered. His morning security guard saw him coming, scrunching his brows as if asking why he’d changed his routine. Like his Nordic name implied, Sven was a strapping blond giant, and an ex-military guy. Garrett hadn’t wanted an old retired dude guarding his bank interests. He wanted a kick-ass, don’t even think about fucking with this bank kind of guard.