She sounded a little more exasperated when she said, “The thing is, you didn’t use a condom. Also, I’m not on oral contraceptive anymore. So…if I get pregnant, will you marry me?”

Garrett’s eyes popped open wide. “Fuck me.” For as inflammatory as that information was, he couldn’t make his body move from her. Was that why her pussy had felt so incredibly good this time? Was that why the sex had been so fucking extraordinary? Perhaps. Then again, every time with Jessica got better and better.

“Not the response I’d hoped for.” Her quiet tone alerted him to the fact that he was being a shithead again. Unfortunately, his mouth and brain were still not running on the same page.

“Shit. I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I forgot a condom. I’ve never forgotten before.” Work, brain, work.

Mentally shaking his head, Garrett tried to reason through how he’d managed to forget protection. Not only that, if she hadn’t told him, he wondered how long it would have taken him to figure it out?

“Are you about to give me the ‘this has never happened to me before’ speech? I know it’s usually saved for a lack of performance, but I’ll wager it’s been used for this instance, too. I guess I’m back to my original question.”


“What?” She stiffened in his arms once more. “No? You won’t marry me if I’m pregnant?”

“No!” He pushed out a deep sigh, pinned her harder to the tile wall of the shower fearing she was about to bolt out of the still steaming shower stall. His answers were not lining up with her questions. “What I mean to say is, the negative response was to the question about ‘this has never happened to me before’ speech. Although, that is accurate.”

“You’re stalling.”

“No. Well. Yes. Maybe. Fuck.” Garrett couldn’t get past the I forgot to use a condom portion of the discussion. How could he have forgotten? What would ever possess him?

Jessica pushed out a long sigh. He heard the unmistakable exasperation in that simple noise.

“I’ve never forgotten before,” he repeated. His sluggish brain still wasn’t cooperating. He sounded like a man trying to get out of his responsibility, and he wasn’t. Work, brain, work.

“Never mind.” She turned, disengaging from him. His semi-hard cock slid from her. She turned her face to the steamy, warm shower water, then quickly pressed her fingers to her eyes, covering her features.

Before he could move to reassure her of his honorable intentions, her shoulders started shaking. He heard her sob once. In that second, he understood he’d rather pull his still-beating heart from his chest with his own clawed fingers than to ever hear her cry again.

“Jessica. Yes. Of course I will marry you,” he said quietly. He put his arms around her again, hugging her back tight against his front as water cascaded over them both.

“I’m sorry,” she managed. Her hands fell away from her face. She shook her head. “I shouldn’t have asked that. You don’t have to marry me. I was equally at fault for not remembering.” She tried to loosen his arms.

“Please don’t shut me out. I’m truly sorry. As it turns out, my recovery after exceptional sex is embarrassingly long. Give me a chance to get my brain engaged again.”

She stopped pulling at his arms. “I can’t believe that I forgot,” she said in a tone that matched the one currently roaring in his brain. “I’ve always been so careful. I didn’t even have sex in college with or without condoms because the percentage of failure rate on them was too high. I had a goal. I wanted a degree. I wanted to work. I wanted to be outstanding at whatever job I landed. Being a single mom wasn’t in my plans back then.”

Garrett hugged her tighter, thinking she was still outstanding. She continued talking quickly. Any words coming out of his mouth were suspect and likely the wrong ones anyway, so he pressed his lips together and simply listened.

“I spent almost a decade focused only on my career and climbing the corporate ladder and being the best employee that I could be for the company I worked for.