Her previous job with Barrington had included many things she disliked, most notably, rich diva-like customers making outrageous requests and being uncivil when the world, or rather Barrington hotels, wasn’t able to provide them their heart’s desire. Mr. Barrington had always catered to the whims of the wealthy, especially regarding staff. Too many patrons were willing to ruin a hotel employee’s life over what Jessica considered trivial matters.

Gray was willing to be accommodating, but he told her up front he didn’t suffer fools lightly. In his world, the customer was right, most of the time, however he did have limits.

Jessica had found a welcome home in this new job after only one morning as Gray was more of a partner-in-crime than a lord-it-over-the-employees type of boss. He listened to all of her ideas with genuine interest, and together they collaborated on every aspect of the new venture rather than him telling her what to do. After a single morning together, Jessica already liked this casual arrangement much better than all the years at her former job.

When lunchtime rolled around, she was feeling more like this new adventure, while thrust on her unfairly, would work out even better than she’d ever expected. Her desire to endure this new beginning was in fact preferable. A good sign.

Gray had a meeting with someone for lunch, begging off with a sheepish grin. “I truly hate to leave you alone on your first day. Normally, I’d take you out, but I can’t get out of this lunch.”

“That’s okay. I’ve already got plans.”

Gray said, “Got a hot date, do you?” He probably assumed she was going out with Seth and Garrett.

“Well, a date at any rate. Do you know Lilianna?”

“Hunter’s wife?” His always expressive eyebrows went up slightly.

She nodded. Gray added, “I do know her. She’s very nice. Plus, I’d definitely call her a hot date, but don’t tell Hunter I said that.” He glanced over his shoulder at the woodworker’s shop as if Hunter might leap forth from his door to pound Gray into the dusty streets.

“Not to worry.” She smiled. “Your secret is safe with me.”

They exited through the saloon and into the dusty streets of Old West Town. Guests were everywhere. Gray commented that it was a busy day before heading toward the employee parking lot.

Jessica wandered across the street to the candy shop. The rush of sugar, caramel, and chocolate slammed into her the moment she opened the door.

“Wow. It smells so great in here,” she said on her way through the door to the inside. The girl she’d seen at the café with Duke yesterday was behind the candy counter.

“I suppose you hear the phrase, ‘give me one of everything’ quite a lot in here, don’t you?” Jessica asked as she approached.

Another customer in the store put her hand basket near the register, signaling she was ready to check-out.

Victoria laughed and moved in the other customer’s direction, but said, “Yes. In fact, I’m thinking of making ‘give me one of everything’ the store’s motto. What do you think?”

“Awesome idea.” Jessica looked in the display case sporting several trays of various delicious-looking treats. Nearer the register she saw something she loved. “Ooh, you have homemade fudge.”

Creamy chocolate fudge, peanut-butter fudge, caramel-pecan-praline fudge were only the first three she noticed on the upper row.

On top of the display case, she noticed that the flavor of the day was Black Forest Cake Fudge, and there was a sample tray with several delectable-looking squares of fudge and a shot glass of toothpicks to either help a person make up their mind or compel them with a forbidden taste.

Jessica grabbed a small toothpick, pierced a small square, and popped it into her mouth, where the candy promptly melted. Several luscious flavors hit the center of her tongue all at once.

Rich dark chocolate, with a swirl marshmallow, a hint of espresso, another of kirsch, and of course real pieces of cherry were also folded into the mix for the ultimate in decadent flavor exploding in her mouth. She moaned her approval, then added, “That is the very definition of to-die-for.”

“Almost as good as sex, am I right?” Victoria asked with a big grin.