Jessica shook her head. “I don’t know of anyone off the top of my head, but I’ll keep my ear to the ground. When do you want to start looking?”

“Now would be great since I’ll be filling the role until we find someone. But realistically, probably we’d be okay for another couple of weeks. I’d like to have someone in place at least a week before the soft opening. I’d like to hire for the position with your strong input. The three of us will have to get along well together, right?”

“Yes. Thank you. I appreciate your confidence in me.”

“I’m thankful that you kept this job even though you have a relationship with Seth.”

She looked him in the eye. “And here I thought I’d been so cool when he showed up.”

“Oh trust me, you weren’t the one that gave it away. It was Mr. Happy Pants the Whistler. He hasn’t been in that good of a mood for months. When he came in the room and focused in on you it was like someone had punched him in the breadbox. But in a good way.” Gray smiled.

Her cheeks heated up. “I promise to keep my work life separate from my home life.”

“No worries. I’m glad to see Seth so happy for a change.”

“He hasn’t been happy?”

Gray’s eyes widened. “He and Garrett got totally burned by a bat shit crazy bi…ah, woman several years ago.” He blushed a little.

Jessica said, “You don’t have to sugar coat it for me. I was recently engaged to a duplicitous, fornicating bastard. So I get it.”

“Okay, then I can express my true feelings. She was a vengeful, hateful, cheating hag. She left them cold without a look back after making them jump through all sorts of hoops to win her. They both gave up their busy careers for her.

“Meanwhile, she’d been fucking anything with a cock, including Garrett’s boss at the time, and two of his rivals. Gina told both as she departed that she’d only pretended to care about them the whole time they’d been together.”

“How long were they together?”

“Over a year. Even worse—”

“It gets worse?”

Gray nodded. “She left them publically in front of an afterhours party at Old West Town in front of all their friends, saying that she secretly hated even touching them or having them touch her. They changed their lives completely for that witch, and then she took what she could and exited the scene, probably on a broom, cackling all the way, leaving them despondent. She was quite a piece of work.”

“Well…I’m thankful she’s gone.” Jessica was glad Gray had told her about their ex. She wouldn’t have had the nerve to ask herself, but she’d wanted to know what happened.

“Me too.” He nodded, glanced at her, and rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “I’m sorry. Did I ever mention to you what a big gossip I am?”

“I believed you did. I’ve noted it for future reference.”

She and Gray laughed together and got down to work. They toured most of the building. He showed her the design and the blueprints. It was located right behind and actually attached to the Old West Town Saloon with a clever breezeway. The new hotel was five stories high and extended quite a ways out into several acres of forest located right next to the border of the amusement park.

“As far as the saloon we’re attached to, we are currently separate businesses. Cooper Mackay is the man who owns the saloon, however guests will have access to the saloon throughout the day, and the rest of the park during business hours.

“Afterhours, the hotel will be completely autonomous from the park. Which is why the twenty-four hour convenience store, the hotel’s bar and restaurant, including round-the-clock room service, need to be well staffed at night.

“Also, eventually, the park’s hours will change after we open to accommodate the hotel guests. We want to give them private access before the place opens up to regular park traffic for an hour or two.”

Jessica nodded. “That’s all excellent. The more perks you can give, the happier the hotel guests are.”

“Yes. Exactly.”

They worked for a few hours without stopping. She enjoyed Gray’s work ethic, as it was nearly identical to hers. They seemed to read each other’s mind regarding ideas for how the hotel should be operated, and that after only an hour or two.