Jessica had spent a considerable amount of time over the last several weeks feeling very foolish about the break up, especially unworthy as a human being, and completely useless as a woman. All the while cursing her ex’s name during the further humiliation as she cancelled all of her stupid wedding and honeymoon plans.

“Do you have your key?”

“You can push it open. I know it’s not particularly security minded, but I left the swing door guard stuck in the frame.”

He paused at her room door, not saying anything about her lack of security sense. Anyone could have broken in and been waiting for her. Vodka also made her too trusting, apparently.

The gallant stranger only inclined his head closer, and said in a quietly, sexy, and very amused tone, “You know there are some cultures in the world where if I carry you over the threshold of this door, we’ll be considered man and wife.”

Jessica leaned closer to his face, and said, “Well, it is the bridal suite. It didn’t come with a husband—trust me, I asked at the desk—but perhaps the magic of the room helps a girl find a decent guy anyway.”

A predatory smile shaped his lips. “Stranger things have happened.”

“Like what?”

“I had this amazingly gorgeous girl fall at my feet recently and then want to marry me.”

She giggled. “I would marry you. For one thing, you’re way nicer then my last husband-to-be and also way more attractive.” It was certainly the vodka talking, but she didn’t care. Truthfully, he was sweet, and he was more handsome than her ex in attitude alone.

Plus, he smelled great. He carried her in his arms like a chivalrous knight of yore. She liked the way he made her feel special.

She wanted him even more now that she knew he had a sense of humor to go with his sense of gallantry. Then there were those really large cowboy boots he sported to consider.

“My name is Garrett Campbell, by the way,” he said, staring deeply into her eyes.

“I’m Jessica,” she whispered. “Jessica Hoyt.” And I want you to make love to me as soon as possible, please. She didn’t know if the vodka was still talking or if her neglected libido had taken up the cause. They stared at each other for several seconds. She wished she could read his mind.

He broke the staring contest and pushed the door open with one large foot, carrying her effortlessly across the threshold. He lowered her to the ground, shoes first, sliding his now free arm around her waist, but not stepping away or releasing her. He stared deeply into her eyes as if searching for, what? Her permission? Her plan for what happened next?

Whatever answers he found didn’t make him pull away. Instead, he pressed even closer. She sent a mental message. Kiss me.

His lips lowered, brushing a kiss across her forehead. It was the sweetest, most unexpected gesture she’d ever experienced.

But the vodka and her libido were in cahoots now, and she wanted more. She put her head on his shoulder to keep their connection close.

“How’s your ankle?” he whispered.


Jessica lifted her face from his shoulder wanting to feel the stubble on his face against her lips. Stimulated by her bold action, she couldn’t stop herself from kissing the corner of his mouth.

The barest touch of his lips to hers made her mouth tingle in desire. A powerful streak of lust went vaulting down her spine. He stared at her for a long time as if he couldn’t believe his good luck, further charming her.

Dropping another kiss high on her cheek, Garrett eased his luscious mouth along her skin, trailing kisses down her face on a path to her lips with sweet gentle pressure all the way.

Jessica held her breath until at last he rubbed his lips over hers, kissing her with the promise of pleasure yet to come. His warm tongue licked a path within, delighting her senses like no man had ever done for her before. He tasted like mint and wicked possibilities. She engaged him, wrapping her tongue around his, desperately seeking any potential, sinful or otherwise.

He moaned a bit when she took up the challenge and tasted him right back. The sensuous kiss grew quickly to a volatile level. He squeezed her tight as she clung to him, balancing on her good ankle.

Three words popped into her head. Best. Kiss. Ever.