In the back of the diner, came the resounding crash of a dish hitting the floor and shattering to pieces. It broke the spell, startling everyone, including the sheriff and the blonde candy-maker who lusted after him.

Duke gave Victoria one final protracted look of longing, shook his head as if trying to clear it and come out of a daze, released her, and quickly strolled out of the diner without another word.

“Whoa,” Jessica said. “That was intense. Why won’t he go out with her?”

Garrett said, “Only he knows for certain.”

“But there is surely gossip. What’s the story?”

“Rumor has it he thinks he’s too old for her.”

“Is she?”

“There is an age difference, but the heart wants what the heart wants.”

“I don’t think she’s worried about their age difference.”

“She’s not,” Garrett added, “Personally, I don’t think he wants to explain his ménage desires.”

Jessica shrugged. “The way she looks at him, I don’t think she’d care about that either.”

“Maybe. Except that his best friend is someone she has a poor history with, so if they ever do get together, there would be some obstacles to overcome.”

“Aren’t there always obstacles in every relationship?”

“Are we still talking about Duke and Victoria?” Garrett asked.

She turned to him. “Yes. However, I think our barriers are too far in the distance to worry about right now.”


She sent her gaze to Victoria, who was currently staring out the window, watching Duke escape.

“I hope their obstacles don’t prove too daunting.”

“Why is that?”

Jessica fixed her gaze on him. “Contrary to your attitude, I like Duke and I hope he gets his happily ever after.”

Garrett smiled at her. “I’m not opposed to Duke getting his happily ever after, as long as it doesn’t involve you.”

“It won’t. My unsettled lust only has eyes for you and Seth.”

“Good. Let’s keep it that way.”

“Aren’t you about to be late for work and that call you need to take?” she asked as he leaned in to kiss her.

“I am, but I hate to leave you like this. Deciding to stay with us isn’t a bad sign, you know?”

“I hope you’re right. Besides, I don’t have any place else to go.” Her shoulders slumped in defeat. “The motel doesn’t have any available rooms. Something about water damage issues, I don’t know.”

He wrapped his arm around her. “I’m sorry I was such a prick before. You are welcome to stay with us. I promise.”

“Will you also drive me to work? Apparently, I’m going to be very needy this coming week with my car missing, too.”

“I will drive you to work, or you can take the tunnel.”

“The tunnel?”

He moved closer, glancing quickly around the room as if to check that no one listened. “There’s a secret underground tunnel that connects our private compound with the Old West Town amusement park.”

Jessica also glanced to either side before putting her focus on Garrett again. “And it’s a secret?”


“But you told me.”

“I’m trying something new. I call it trust. How am I doing?”

She leaned her head into his shoulder, wanting so much to trust that moving in with them, even temporarily, wasn’t a terrible idea. “You’re doing great. Thank you. I appreciate your offer.”

Garrett kissed her soundly and led her back outside. Seth was currently engaged in a conversation with one of the diners, a man who’d left after Duke escaped.

“He drove north, I believe. At least, I saw the car turn that direction to start with, anyway.”

Seth smiled. “Thanks, Mr. Hanson.” The man started whistling and walked away.

“Good news. Mr. Hanson saw which way your car went.” He took his phone out. “I’ll call and let Duke know.”

Jessica tried to contain her thrill of hope. “Why did he even notice?”

“You drive a car like his wife’s, but she’s out of town at her sister’s house. He took note apparently because he misses her. I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth.”