“Not going to happen. In fact, I don’t believe she’s looking for permanent attachment. I’m assuming it’s okay with you if she breaks my heart.”

“Yep. Totally fine with me.”

“So we’re good?”

“Sure. Why not? But seriously, what are the odds that you’d find the only woman who can step into this complex job on day one as the newest contender for your previously non-existent love life the night before she’s hired?”

“Astronomical at least.” Seth and Gray stared at each other for a few more seconds until they burst out laughing.

“Do you really need my help with the contractor dispute?”

Pfft. “No. I can handle it. But I saw the flaming looks of lust shooting between the two of you. I didn’t want to come back here to find you’d swept my papers to the floor so you could ‘do her’ on my desk if I left you alone for too long.”

“Very funny.” Seth tried not to be surprised that had been his exact thinking. “I’d never do that.” Maybe.

“Whatever. You were thinking it. You can deny it with your mouth all you want, but your horny gaze doesn’t lie.”

“Oh, come on. Your sex-dar capability isn’t precognitive.”

“You don’t know that for certain, or else I’d be collecting sex stained, crumpled papers off my floor right now.” The phone on his desk rang. He picked it up and said hello, waving good-bye to Seth.

Dismissed, Seth shrugged and promptly left Gray to his contractor disputes before he discovered any more truths. He headed to his own office with a brand new lease on life. He hadn’t felt this optimistic about his future in ages.

Chapter Eight

Jessica tired of filling out employment paperwork after the first detailed sheet of paper she finished. It was too bad they hadn’t advanced to the point of giving a sample of DNA to each prospective employer. That would give possible and pertinent details about a person so as to forgo this endless paper trail.

She squeezed her right hand into a fist and stretched it, not used to writing so much. First thing on her agenda was implementation of a new paperless system of employee records.

Still apprehensive about this employment situation with Seth essentially being the owner, Jessica talked herself out of leaving. She truly needed this job. This was only one of two interviews she’d managed to secure, the other had taken place a couple of days before she’d arrived in Enclave.

The other interview hadn’t gone very well at all in her opinion. They’d wanted her to perform the tasks of about three people for the price of one. She wasn’t opposed to hard work, but they were looking more at an indentured servitude for peanuts kind of plan. They didn’t seem intent on giving any gratitude as a perk either, which she thought was the least they could do given the laughable salary they were offering.

Plus, they’d been dubious about even interviewing her since her previous income with bonuses had been three times higher than the top end of their highest salary range. But she’d convinced them to at least talk to her. She didn’t want to neglect any opportunities. And it had been on her way to this more premium job opening.

The first job interview had turned out to be a huge waste of time. She’d realized three questions in, she’d rather work in a fast food restaurant. She’d be making about the same amount of money and the workload would be less arduous. Thus leaving her with this singular job opportunity with Mr. Bishop for today. And, of course, Seth.

Ultimately, she’d work for a man that she’d seen naked. A man whose cock she’d sucked while another man fucked her from behind during her first night in town. For as outrageous as her thoughts had turned, she reveled in the memory and experience as one of the premium nights she’d ever spent with a man, or two men in this case.

She tried and failed to keep her cool as visions of the night before pranced scandalously through her head without end.

Upon finally finishing all the endless paperwork required, Jessica was issued a badge and parking permit to enter Old West Town through the employee entrance.

Mr. Bishop’s secretary, Hannah, was very nice, and luckily she didn’t have to face either her new supervisor or the owner before leaving for the day. She took it as a good sign that she was doing the right thing. At least for now.