I can dream.

After a quick breakfast at a quaint diner she’d seen next door to the motel, Jessica drove straight to Old West Town, wanting to be prompt so as to make a good impression before they found out about her dodgy recent employment history.

She subdued the flash of anger that erupted in the wake of the reason she was even here today. On the days Jessica felt strong, she lamented the fact that she shouldn’t have been the one who’d had to go.

Her choices had been leave quietly with good references, or stay and give up her choice corner office in favor of the bastard who’d thrown her to the curb in favor of Mr. Barrington’s daughter, Madeline. Rumor had it that Chucky, her bastard ex, had insisted on working for the hotel soon after the quickie wedding had taken place. Madeline was in love with Chucky and certainly had influence with her father regarding her new husband’s employment.

Even so, rumors had also abounded through her former place of employment that Chucky had some additional information Mr. Barrington didn’t want made public. Supposedly, the information was unkind and put her former boss over a barrel.

This is where Chucky had been able to exact the plush executive office, high pay, and Jessica’s former job title in the deal they’d made to keep quiet. It also kept any improprieties of his daughter’s sudden wedding with those society mavens who still gave a shit about such scandals in check.

All at her personal expense. If the rumors were even true.

The whole sordid matter still seemed radically unfair in retrospect. Jessica loathed that Chucky had won all of her hard-earned job perks by fucking his way to the top. However, staying in his shadow as a constant reminder of what he’d done—with her co-workers whispering either pitying or spiteful comments behind her back every day—was also an intolerable option.

She was better off here in Montana, which was far away from that horrendous affair. Putting several states between them was her best option. If only she could secure this job today.

Instead of rehashing her recent past further, she put her mind to last night’s delightful escapades, finding it difficult to be anything but charmed and satisfied by anything either Seth or Garrett had done. So far, coming here had been the best idea she’d ever had in the face of adversity.

“Ms. Hoyt?” Mr. Bishop’s secretary called her name and promptly directed her to the last door on the right of the saloon’s old fashioned backroom area with a confident smile. Jessica wished she could be as self-assured as the secretary.

As she strolled along the first hallway, Jessica suddenly remembered that she hadn’t left Seth or Garrett a note or her phone number or anyway to get a hold of her. Damn it.

How rude was it to have had the best night of her life sexually and forget to leave them a way to contact her? Completely impolite. They were supposed to have dinner tonight sometime. Unless they couldn’t all find each other. Would they even look?

Hopefully, they would leave her a note in her room, but if not, she’d understand. If she ended up getting the job, she also hoped the town was big enough for the three of them whether or not their wild, wicked relationship continued.

The words “double penetration” came tumbling into her brain. If she got the job, and if she stayed in town, would that be the next sexual position she learned about? Hope so. Now focus.

“Ms. Hoyt?” The tall, attractive interviewer called out her name, breaking her salacious reverie as she entered through the already open doorway to his spacious office.

“Yes. That’s me.” She put her focus immediately on her current whereabouts. She wouldn’t have a job or any double penetration sex if she fucked up this interview.

He stood up behind a paper-strewn desk, a surface that looked a lot like the one in her former corner office. She relaxed a notch with the idea that her interviewer at least had the same philosophy about what a work space in the middle of the day should look like.

Mr. Bishop was younger than she’d pictured. Or perhaps he was one of those people who looked forever young despite his actual age. Nonetheless, he came around the front of his busy desk, leading with his right hand aimed in her direction.

He was tall, well-built, and also attractive with a rebellious, I-know-my-hair-is-too-long-but-just-deal-with-it sort of attitude. His straight dark hair was pulled back into a small knot at the base of his neck. Not her type, but she certainly saw his appeal. His smile was reserved, but she took it to mean he was professional. That was good. That was what she wanted.